How we have improved our indicators with 100% remote work

ília digital
Published in
4 min readAug 25, 2020

In order to do our part as a company in the face of the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus, we chose to adopt remote work from the very beginning of the isolation period. We made this important decision to protect our team, customers and the entire community in the midst of a new and completely unpredictable scenario.

Adapting to this new scenario was challenging due to the speed of change, but since remote work is in our DNA, it was also better than we had imagined. That’s because we have our own process which follows standards of agility and has been built on our experience throughout hundreds of national and international projects.

Because we already had an established internal culture, we were able to organize our teams and demands in a calm and mature way. Everything was done with confidence, responsibility and total focus on deliveries.

Change that brings growth

After 5 months of remote work, our quality indicators show that the clients have enjoyed great benefits with this change. NPS assessments, for example, have been improving month after month. Since we started this work arrangement, our score has remained above 50. For this indicator, it means that we are close to the level of excellence.

We believe that the value of our deliveries has collaborated to the second quarter of this year being the best in our history. We have grown 26% inside and outside Brazil in relation to the first quarter of 2020. We also understand that this number reflects the vision of our customers, who started investing even more into having digital interactions with their customers.

The benefits of remote working have also been felt by each one in our company. Our monthly survey that measures team satisfaction on a scale from 1 to 10 has grown. Our turnover rate fell. The average of the last three months is less than 2%, a reduction of 67% compared to the first quarter of this year.

All the initiatives that the People & Culture area has done since the beginning of isolation also reflect that our team has benefitted from remote work and, consequently, it is here to stay.

→ 86% of the people who work at AIS feel the availability of remote work would be a must in choosing a future workplace.

How has our way of work helped?

Meetings like dailies, retrospectives, reviews, forums and even chapters meetings continued at full steam digitally. It is part of our culture to stimulate interactions that promote visibility and greater alignment among team members.

These and other characteristics were fundamental for our performance to not have suffered any impact while working remotely. Here at AIS, we empower our squads to work with plenty of autonomy, maintaining fluid communication and responsibility regarding deliveries.

→ In an internal survey on remote work, 80% of our team considers that productivity has increased significantly during this period of isolation.

Communication is key!

To keep people informed and engaged in our internal actions, we created All Connected: a biweekly online meeting of 60 minutes, to interact with each other directly and present the main news of the company. This pocket version is inspired by All Hands, our face-to-face quarterly event in which all the company participates.

We also encourage the continuous use of our communication tools, such as project and chapters channels on Slack, our newsletter, and Confluence (a collaborative space where teams create content and spread knowledge). These factors were essential for 70% of the company believing the communication between the teams and the leaders has been very good.

→ 92% of the teams feel that they have a lot of autonomy in performing their daily tasks.

When the subject is well-being, we noticed that many have been eating better at home. To stimulate this habit, we send a weekly email with recipes of some members of our team who, despite being technology professionals, also have specializations in gastronomy and nutrition.

→ With remote work, 70% of our team have reduced their monthly expenses by up to 30%.

We are in constantly learning

Finally, we asked people if they would like to continue working remotely or have the flexibility to choose it. The response was that 98% of our team prefer to have remote work as an option, which makes us confident this preference has only been strengthened.

Even being well prepared for this challenge, we will continue to seek understanding of what has worked and what can be improved. We see that this scenario is an ongoing process, we will continue to closely evaluate its evolution for the mid and long term, in order to improve more and more our unique way of being AIS.

How is remote work going in your company? Take this opportunity and share your experiences and feelings on the matter.

