AiSensy Live Chat Page

Active, Requesting & Intervened Chats | Chat Profile

Mohit Dua
7 min readMar 29, 2021


Active Chats, Requesting Chats & Intervened Chats

1.What are Active Chats?

All the chats that are been done by the WhatsApp chatbot come under Active Chats. The chats here means they don’t require any human agent intervention as they are perfectly handled by the chatbot itself. Also, if any user initiates a chat with the business or replies to a message, it all comes under the Active Chat section.

2.What are Requesting Chats?

Whenever there is a query that the chatbot isn’t able to solve or if they want to speak to a human agent, the chat goes from Active Chats to Requesting Chats. All the chats in this section basically mean they are waiting and need human agent intervention to get their unresolved query solved. Also, all these requesting chats come on the top bar as well so that it is instantaneously seen by the agents. The chatbot is still active and running in Requesting Chats.

3.What are Intervened Chats?

Once the Requesting Chats are intervened, they go from Requesting Column to Intervened Column. Here, the chatbot is no more active and it has become a pure Live Chat system. The Agents can reply to the user’s query and once they are done, they just need to click on the ‘Resolve’ button on the top to transfer the chat again to the chatbot. This brings the chat back in the Active column. Similar to Requesting Chats, Intervened Chats also stays in the top bar as well.

4.How to Intervene chats?

Once the chat comes to Requesting section, the agent just needs to select a particular chat which he wants to intervene in and click on the “Intervene” button which is placed at the bottom of the chat window. Once the query is resolved, Agent just needs to click on the “Resolve” button on the top of the chat window and the chat again gets transferred back to the chatbot.

Chat Profile

1.What is the Chat Profile?

The chat profile contains all the parameters of the user interaction with the business. Also, it maps all the events triggered by the business to qualify the user according to their interests which will be used for sending personalized and targeted campaigns to the users in future. The chat profile includes Basic Parameters, Campaigns, Attributes, Tags and Customer Journey.

2.What are the parameters such as Status, Last Active, Source etc.?

There are various parameters in the user profile for individual user details:

1. Status: Active, Requesting, Intervened and Closed are the 4 different user status.
Active: If the user is in the Active section, the status is “Active”. This means the chat is handled by the WhatsApp chatbot.
Requesting: If the user needs an agent intervention, the status changes to “Requesting”. All the chats in the requesting section would have Requesting as their status.
Intervened: The status changes to “Intervened” once the chat is intervened by the agent.
Closed: Once the query is resolved after intervening in the chat and the agent clicks on the “Resolve” button, the status changes to “Closed” and the chat is again transferred back to the chatbot.

2. Last Active: This shows the date and time of the last message sent by the user to the business. For example, 03–28–2021, 07:37 PM.

3. Template Messages: This shows the number of template messages sent to the user by the business.

4. Session Messages: This shows the number of session messages exchanged between the user and the business.

5. Unresolved Queries: This shows the number of queries for which requesting intervention got triggered. Basically, it shows the count of all those queries that the chatbot wasn’t able to solve and requested the agent intervention.

6. Source: It shows from where the user came in the AiSensy platform.
Organic: If the user initiates the message with the business on WhatsApp, the source is assigned as Organic.
API: If the chat is initiated via an API campaign with the user, the source assigned is API.
Customized: You can import the data to the AiSensy platform in CSV format. While uploading it, the source can be customized to anything.

7. First Message: In this parameter, the first message tag will be assigned to the user according to the pre-defined message sent by the user. For example, there will be a different pre-defined message for different product/service pages, different ads within different ad sets. Now, if a user is coming from the “Product A” page, the “Product A” tag will be assigned to the user as a first message tag.

3.How to configure First Message Tag?

Any tag can be created as a first message tag. While creating different tags from the “Manage” section, there is an option to make the tag a First Message Tag. You just need to implement that feature and it will be used for the first message tag.

4.What is the significance of the First Message tag?

The first message tag signifies the interest of the user towards a particular product or service. This makes the business know the landing source of the user on WhatsApp. For example, if the user is coming from the “Product X” page, the “Product X’ tag will be assigned to the user. This implies that the user is interested in Product X. Similarly if the user is coming from an Ad of “Service A”, the “Service A” tag will be assigned to the user in an automated manner.

5.Can audience segmentation be done on the basis of the First Message tag?

Yes, you can segregate your audience on the basis of First Message Tags and can send a personalized & target broadcast campaign.

6.What comes under the Campaign Section of the Chat Profile?

This contains all the records of the campaigns sent to a particular user. This makes sure that the Agent knows what all campaigns have been sent to the user, what all the user have read and what all got ignored.

7.What is the significance of a double green tick after each campaign name in the Campaign Column of User Profile?

The double green tick is similar to the read receipts in WhatsApp App. This shows that if the user has seen/read a particular campaign message and what all got ignored.

8.What is the attributes section?

This has all the attributes parameters of the users collected automatically via a chatbot in a conversational manner. The attributes are considered as the qualification parameters of the users. Moreover, according to these attributes, the chatbot will suggest to the users some products or courses according to different use cases.

9.Can I customize these attributes according to my use case?

Yes, all the attributes are customizable. Moreover, you can configure the attributes at any point in conversation with the chatbot.

10.What is the maximum limit on the number of attributes?

20 is the maximum limit on the number of attributes. This is more than enough to qualify the leads. Moreover, there are tags to further qualify the lead.

11.Can I filter down my audience on the basis of these attributes?

Yes, the audience segmentation can be done on the basis of attributes. Using this, personalized and targeted broadcast campaigns can be sent to the users.

12.What are Tags and how to assign them?

Tags are the qualifying parameters that agents can assign to the users on the basis of their interaction with the business. There are automated tags along with manual tags that agents assign. Automated Tags includes First Message Tags, API Tags and Broadcast Tags.

Assigning tags is a piece of cake. First, configure all the tags that are relevant to your use case from Tags Category in Manage Section. Once they are defined, the Agent needs to click on the drop-down option and select any of the pre-defined tags which he needs to assign to the user. The last step is to just click on the “Add” button.

Also, if the Agent wants to add a new tag that isn’t pre-defined already, a new tag can be created and added from the Tag section itself.

13.How to create new tags?

New tags can be created from the Tags Category in Manage Section or from the Tag Window itself in the User Profile.

14.What all track points are covered in the Customer Journey?

Customer journey keeps a track of all the events exchanges between the Agent and the User. For example, which Agent intervened in the chat, which agent added which tag, what all campaigns have been sent to the user and so on and so forth. Moreover, the date and time of each event are also mapped.

Kindly visit AiSensy and book a demo for more details.



Mohit Dua

Chief Business Officer at Triny | Helping brands connect with customers effectively using AiTimey & AiSensy