What is WhatsApp Business API: The Complete Guide (2022 Edition)

Shivam Aggarwal
Published in
21 min readMay 3, 2022
What is WhatsApp Business API
Answering the Big Question- What is WhatsApp Business API?

Have you noticed how many brands have started sending promotional offers, order details, payment confirmations, OTPs & many more notifications on WhatsApp?

Are you one such business? Or planning to become one?

If not, well, then you’re missing out on a lot.

Businesses are shifting to WhatsApp Business API because it offers:

  1. An astonishing 98% message open rate
  2. Up to 45–60% click-through rate

In comparison, emails & SMS have an average 20% open rate & around 2.04% click-through rate.

Graph differentiating WhatsApp Open Rate & Email Open Rate
Graph above: Comparison between WhatsApp messages & email open-rates

Businesses are employing the complete potential of WhatsApp with the help of WhatsApp Business API, a medium built for startups, and medium & large businesses to boost their customer support & marketing.

But, what is WhatsApp Business API? And how is it helping businesses make 3x more sales in comparison to other platforms such as emails & SMS? How can it help your business?

Stay with us & by the end, you’d have a complete grasp of:

· What is WhatsApp Business API?
· How to Use WhatsApp Business API (with AiSensy)
· Industry Wise Use Cases of WhatsApp Business API
· Benefits of WhatsApp Business API for your Enterprise
· What are Template messages?
· How to send WhatsApp Broadcast to over 1,00,000 users in one go?
· How to get WhatsApp Business API?
· How much does WhatsApp API Cost?
· AiSensy Pricing
· Conclusion

What is WhatsApp Business API?

In 2018, WhatsApp launched its Business App & the WhatsApp Business API. The Business App is free & allows small business owners to list themselves on WhatsApp & drive engagement.

If you’re here, you probably already know everything one needs to know about the WhatsApp Business App.

So, let’s jump right to the WhatsApp Business API.

In simple terms, WhatsApp Business API acts as a medium for startups, large businesses & enterprises, allowing them to use WhatsApp for Marketing, Automation & customer support.

The API here refers to Application Programming Interface, meaning that it’s not like the other WhatsApp applications.

Benefits of WhatsApp Business API

It enables them to:

  • Send promotional messages on WhatsApp to over 1,00,000 users in one go
  • Create & implement a WhatsApp Chatbot to automate customer support & marketing efforts 24x7.
  • Automate notifications for orders, payments, and abandoned carts including rich media like images, video, links, quick reply buttons & more.
  • Use WhatsApp Business on multiple devices.
  • Answer multiple customer queries instantly via Live Chat.
  • Manage unlimited contacts with WhatsApp API based platform, AiSensy.
  • Use a smart campaigns manager to filter & manage WhatsApp Broadcasts (AiSensy Exclusive😉).

While WhatsApp created the API, it doesn’t provide direct access to the WhatsApp API. Neither does it provide any platform that you can use to communicate with your customers. It’s too busy creating cool new features to do all this stuff.

That’s why WhatsApp delegated this job to various WhatsApp Partners, like AiSensy.

AiSensy is the #1 WhatsApp Marketing Platform built using official WhatsApp Business APIs, helping businesses scale their sales with robust features for marketing, automation & customer support.

Here’s what you can do with a WhatsApp Business API based platform like AiSensy.

How to Use WhatsApp Business API (with AiSensy)

In this section, we’ll list down how you can use WhatsApp Business API to boost sales & increase customer satisfaction.

1. Broadcast promotional messages to upto 1,00,000 users

Since October 2021, WhatsApp has allowed businesses to send promotional messages on WhatsApp. You can send non-transactional messages to your customers to initiate the conversation which was earlier almost impossible to approve.

You can send promotional messages like:

1. Discount offer

2. Festive Wishes

3. Promo Code

Promotional WhatsApp Message Example

Here are 7 Promotional message templates to get you started with promotional messages on WhatsApp.

2. Automate Notifications via Integrations

AiSensy Integrations
Image above: CRMs & Softwares integrating with AiSensy

Let’s suppose you run a Shopify E-commerce Store selling grocery items. A customer purchased groceries from your store & made the payment.

Now, they must be waiting for some sort of confirmation of payment success, right? It’s basic human nature!

With Automated Notifications enabled, the user will receive a payment confirmation notification on WhatsApp.

Similarly, if the payment failed, they’ll receive a notification for the same on WhatsApp.

Not just this, your users will also receive live delivery updates until the product reaches their doorstep.

Check out the various CRMs & softwares that integrate with AiSensy.

3. Get Real-time Feedback for your Products & Services

Get Feedback on WhatsApp
Image above: WhatsApp Feedback Message Loop

“Good feedback is the key to improvement”

Generally, you send an email or SMS politely asking the users to provide feedback on your products & services.

And 65% of the time, those emails are ignored or left unopened.

But, on WhatsApp, you not only receive instant feedback for your products 98% of the time but you can also get them to re-engage with your business.

Request feedback from customers by sending Quick Reply buttons to make it more comfortable for them.

As they click the button to provide feedback, your WhatsApp Chatbot automates an offer enticing them to purchase another product.

4. Provide order & delivery updates on WhatsApp

Order & Delivery Updates on WhatsApp
Image above: Delivery updates sent on WhatsApp via WhatsApp API

Customers expect real-time visibility of their order shipments, with live delivery tracking status, updates & notifications.

We didn’t just make this up. A report even suggests that 97% of people expect live tracking of their orders!

With AiSensy, you can connect your existing E-commerce platforms such as Shopify, and WooCommerce & set up API campaigns to automate order, delivery, payment & many more notifications to users on WhatsApp.

And this is an automatic process. You don’t need your team members clicking a button every time a person orders from your business.

5. Send messages with Quick Reply Buttons & Call to Actions

One of the major WhatsApp Business API use cases is that you can add clickable pre-defined buttons to make your messages more interactive.

  • CTA (Call to Action)- These buttons are all about getting your users to take an action such as “purchase now”, “sign up”, “visit website”, “contact us” etc. These buttons are extremely useful to convert users into customers.
Send CTA Buttons on WhatsApp- WhatsApp Business API
Image above: WhatsApp message with clickable CTA Buttons
  • Quick Replies- Quick replies are buttons that allow your customers to return a message without typing.
  • For example- you can ask for feedback from customers by attaching two Quick Reply Buttons: “Satisfied”, “Not Satisfied”.
  • When a user clicks on the Quick Reply Button, a message will return to the business, without the user typing anything.
Image above: Feedback Message with Quick Reply Buttons

6. Install AI-enhanced WhatsApp Chatbot & keep your business live 24x7

AiSensy Free WhatsApp Chatbot
Image above: WhatsApp Chatbot handling communication

AiSensy supports an AI-based Google Dialogflow WhatsApp Chatbot capable of automating your sales & customer support.

The WhatsApp Chatbot is capable of tasks such as:

  • Answering common customer questions,
  • Nurturing and Qualification of leads when they first land on WhatsApp,
  • Complete sales by sending them personalized recommendations & product discovery,
  • Collect product feedback,
  • Transfer chats to your Live agents in case of typical queries or if the user wants to talk to a human.

Know everything you need to know about the WhatsApp Chatbot in this guide.

We have various ready-to-use Chatbot templates prepared to match your business needs. Check out the various Chatbot templates by clicking here.

7. Reduce Abandoned Carts by sending timely reminders

Abandoned Cart Recovery via WhatsApp Business API
Image above: WhatsApp Abandoned Cart Message Loop

Abandoned Cart Notifications is one of the BEST WhatsApp Business API Use Cases.

As per a study, 80% of customers bag items in their carts but abandon their purchase at the payment page. That means 8 out of 10 users who add items to their carts won’t end up purchasing.

If they’ve added the product to their cart & reached the check-out page but abandoned the cart for some reason, that’s a lost sale for you!

But there’s a simple trick that can recover 45–60% of Abandoned Carts. Just automate Abandoned Cart Notifications on WhatsApp with a casual reminder to the users to complete their purchase.

The message copy matters & should be written in a personalized tone as shown in the above image.

Sending Abandoned Cart Notifications on WhatsApp has been extremely profitable for our clients, with a 20% jump in sales. One of our clients has been able to recover over Rs 3 Crore/ year with just Abandoned Cart Notifications. Check out the case study here.

8. Send product details with smart buttons

Product details with Clickable Buttons via WhatsApp Business API

Users love checking out new products & might even feel interested in purchasing the ones that excite them!

You can directly share details of your Products, Services & Courses to your Leads & Drive Instant Interest and up to 3x more Conversions via Clickable Buttons.

You can broadcast promotional offers to over 1,00,000 contacts whenever you launch a new product or have an old product back in stock!

Send Images, Videos & Docs to thousands of leads in one go with AiSensy.

9. Reduce RTO losses by reducing COD orders

Reduce RTO losses via WhatsApp API
Image above: Offering incentive to promote online payment, reduce RTO losses

Reducing COD order losses is one of the major WhatsApp Business API Use Cases!

Out of 70% of COD orders, 40% return back to the warehouse (Return to Origin), doubling the shipping charges faced by businesses.

So, how do you reduce it?

One of our clients did this to reduce COD orders- whenever a customer ordered with COD as the payment method, they sent an offer on WhatsApp (such as 10% off if you pay right now), thus enticing the user to complete the payment beforehand.

This worked brilliantly and they were able to convert 40–50% of COD Orders to prepaid ones.

Offering instant discounts will help you lower COD orders & reduce losses by RTO significantly for your E-commerce Business.

10. Reduce Application Dropoffs by automating reminders

Reduce Application Dropoffs via WhatsApp API
Image above: WhatsApp Application drop-off reminder message Loop

If you run a financial business or sell online courses, you must have seen many potential customers leaving mid-way into filling the applications.

Well, that sucks!

But, you don’t need to worry as you can boost 3x more signups by automating an application drop-off reminder on WhatsApp.

Businesses across industries such as Finance, Banking, Ed-Tech, Education, Automobile & more can boost their application signups by sending an application drop-off reminder on WhatsApp.

Till now, we have looked at the top 10 WhatsApp Business API Use Cases. Now, let’s check out the Use Cases of WhatsApp Business API for industries as diverse as yours.

Industry Wise Use Cases of WhatsApp Business API

E-commerce Industry

  1. Abandon Cart Reminder notifications on WhatsApp can recoup 45–60% of lost sales
  2. Automate queries with WhatsApp Chatbot
  3. Broadcast notifications to upto 1,00,000 users
  4. Re-target old customers with Feedback + Loop Strategy
  5. Direct to WhatsApp Ads to boost lead generation, customer engagement & conversions
  6. Share COD Confirmation & delivery updates
  7. Reduce RTO Losses by offering promotional offers & discounts so that they pay online.
  8. Send enticing promotional offers on WhatsApp (now allowed) such as discount offers, coupons and more.

Education Sector

Image above: WhatsApp Business API Use case for Ed-tech
  1. Users might fill one or two pages of an application & drop off. By sending a Course application reminder on WhatsApp, their chances of completing the application increase by 3x.
  2. 3x more signups for events, webinars & more with notifications sent on WhatsApp
  3. Smooth & reliable experience for sharing admission, payment & other notifications to up to 1,00,000 users in a single click.

Financial (Insurance, Banking, Crypto)

Image above: WhatsApp Business API Use case for Finance organizations
Select an Image

  1. WhatsApp acts as a reliable platform for financial businesses like insurance companies, banks, crypto agencies and more to provide personal information without the risk of a leak (end-to-end encryption).
  2. Just like in the educational sector, users filling banking or loan applications might drop off in between. Sending a reminder notification on WhatsApp with a clickable link that can redirect them back to the application form where they left off.
  3. Nurture leads & qualify users via AiSensy’s AI-based WhatsApp Chatbot.
  4. Allows customers to access information on devices with adequate security & privacy on their favourite app: WhatsApp


Image Above: WhatsApp API Use Case for Automotive Industry
  1. Provide hassle-free updates and customer care 24x7.
  2. 1:1 live chat support with trimmed down response time.
  3. Get customers to fix appointments & test drives on WhatsApp.
  4. Complete support solution for quicker resolution of queries.
  5. Organized and faster channel of communication.

Services (like Digital Marketing)

  1. Speed up the follow-up processes with customers
  2. Handle pre-sales and after-sales more efficiently with Chatbot automation
  3. Bring down response time with sorted data in AiSensy’s live dashboard
  4. Boost enquiries resolution upto 5x and decrease the time taken to convert leads into customers.

Benefits of WhatsApp Business API for your Enterprise

1. Notch up your Brand Identity

WhatsApp Green Tick Verification via WhatsApp Business API
WhatsApp Green Tick representation

WhatsApp allows businesses to establish a superior brand identity. It provides ample opportunities to market their brand, create a prolific WhatsApp business profile and establish a unique identity with every satisfied customer.

AiSensy provides businesses with an intuitive platform to operate on a more professional level.

It gives them the unique tag of a verified business account with Green Tick Verification (that you can apply for FREE with AiSensy) and allows them to display their products to leads & potential customers.

Check out how to apply for Free Green Tick Verification.

2. Brings in new customers

Image above: Direct to WhatsApp ads loop

WhatsApp API allows businesses to get new leads and customers by:

  • Providing businesses, with the perfect platform to connect with their customers with real-time communication.
  • Notifications about fresh arrivals, restocks, personal recommendations and much more.
  • Allowing businesses to redirect ad-generated leads to WhatsApp.
  • The familiar environment and one-to-one conversations are enticing for customers and might convert them to loyal customers.

3. Ensures a Delightful customer experience

Image above: Customer knowing information about car wash

The success of a business in today’s time depends on how well the business treats its customers.

Customers, in the long run, prefer businesses providing support 24x7.

Whether it’s a complaint, product replacement, product description, delivery status or any other thing; WhatsApp API allows handling everything in a single place.

4. Smooth After-sales experience

A business’ actual test begins after the customer purchases the product/ service.

Customers might have many questions in mind related to the product they just purchased like, ‘What’s my delivery status? What to do if I receive a damaged product?’…and many more queries.

WhatsApp API allows businesses to enhance their customers’ after-sale experience with:

  • Notifications for Order Updates- Businesses can send notifications related to the order ‘order success’, ‘payment successful’, ‘delivery time’ using WhatsApp API.
  • Delivery updates- With delivery updates enabled on WhatsApp, businesses can provide customers with the exact delivery updates till the time the product reaches their doorstep.
  • Feedback Option- Providing the feedback option allows businesses to know the customer’s overall experience. This allows room for improvements in their future operations.

5. Customer support on a preferred channel

A survey suggests that 85% of customers prefer texts in comparison to calls & emails.

WhatsApp API allows businesses the advantage of being on customers’ most preferred channel. With over 2 billion unique users every month, WhatsApp guarantees that you meet customers on their desired platform.

What are Template messages?

Now that you know a fair share about the WhatsApp API, let’s get you familiar with using the WhatsApp Business API.

How do you engage with users using the WhatsApp Business API?

If the user initiates a conversation, the business can respond with any message for the next 24 hours from the user’s latest message.

But, you can’t directly send messages or initiate conversations with users without approval from WhatsApp. WhatsApp verifies the message that you want to send to users, ensuring that it’s free of errors and is in compliance with WhatsApp Commerce Policies.

These messages, that you need to get approved from WhatsApp are known as Template Messages.

Template messages are sent by businesses to:

  • Initiate a conversation,
  • Send transactional messages (payment, orders, delivery alerts etc).
  • Send discount vouchers & promotional offers on WhatsApp

These messages can only be sent to users who have opted in to receive messages on WhatsApp. You can send messages without consent. However, you risk irritating the user & being blocked, thus reducing your quality rating.

To know more about these messages, click here.

How to send WhatsApp Broadcast to over 1,00,000 users in one go?

You now know about WhatsApp Template Messages. But do you go about creating & submitting template messages?

Well, there’s a process around it! You first need to create the template message in the AiSensy App & submit it for approval from WhatsApp.

We have created a complete step-by-step guide on how to create a WhatsApp Template message. Check it out!

Normally, template messages take 15 minutes to 3 hours to get approved in AiSensy App by Facebook.

Once the template messages get approved, you can send them to your audience ’n’ number of times.

Now, what if you wish to send template messages to all your users? You have just launched a product & want to spread the word to all your opted in users. How do you go about it?

Well, you send a WhatsApp Broadcast.

WhatsApp Broadcasting is the #1 WhatsApp Marketing Strategy that allows you to send promotional messages, product releases, newsletters & much more to users on WhatsApp in bulk. It’s a hassle-free way of delivering business updates to customers on a day-to-day basis.

E.g. latest arrivals, product-related insights, delivery updates, newsletter subscriptions and more.

Here’s the perfect example of a strong WhatsApp Broadcast Message:

WhatsApp Broadcast Message Example
Image above: WhatsApp Broadcast example

Want to know how to send a WhatsApp Broadcast the right way? We have it ready- Check out the complete WhatsApp Broadcasting Guide here.

Now, depending on your WhatsApp Broadcasting tier, you can send a WhatsApp Broadcast to over 1,00,000 users in one go.

There are basically 4 WhatsApp Broadcast Tiers. Each Tier has a limit specifying the number of users you can send messages to in one day (24-hour format). This is directly controlled by Facebook.

Tier 1- Allows sending messages to up to 1,000 unique users every day

Tier 2- Allows sending messages to up to 10,000 unique users every day

Tier 3- Allows sending messages to up to 1,00,000 unique users every day

Tier 4- Allows sending messages to Unlimited users every day.

You can only Broadcast to a limited number of unique users on one single day, depending on your WhatsApp Tier!

If you exceed the limit & try sending to more than the allotted users, you will see a popup mentioning, “Daily Quota exceeded”.

But, you can send unlimited WhatsApp Broadcasts to those 1,000 users throughout the day.

You can check out your WhatsApp Broadcast tier in AiSensy Dashboard.

If you want to send WhatsApp Broadcast to more than 1000 users in one go, check out how to upgrade the WhatsApp Broadcast tier easily.

Image Above: Official AiSensy App Campaigns Page

How to get WhatsApp Business API?

We have discussed everything you must know about the WhatsApp Business API. Now, let’s discuss how you can get WhatsApp API for your business.

We’ll get right down to facts; WhatsApp neither provides the API directly to businesses nor does it offer a platform that businesses can use to operate the API.

It delegates the duty to various partners as we’ve mentioned before. AiSensy is one such WhatsApp partner!

Using AiSensy, you can get access to the API in as quick as 10 minutes. Let’s discuss how you can get the WhatsApp Business API with AiSensy.

First, you must have these things ready to apply for the WhatsApp Business API. These include:

  • Verified Facebook Business Manager Account- You must have your Facebook Business Manager Account ready to apply for the WhatsApp API. Check out how to get your Facebook Business Manager verified.
  • The Facebook Business Manager Account verification process and the WhatsApp Business API procurement can be done parallel as well. It means you can do it simultaneously.
  • A Business Website- You must have a business website to get access to the WhatsApp Business API.
  • A Fresh Phone Number- You must have an active phone number that isn’t currently registered with any of the WhatsApp accounts.
  • You can use your old phone number too, but you’ll have to permanently delete the WhatsApp App/ Account active on it. Read here how to delete your current WhatsApp Account.

Once you have these things ready, sign up on the AiSensy App by clicking here.

AiSensy Sign Up page
Image above- AiSensy App signup Page

Once you sign up, you’ll automatically enter a 14-Day Free Trial period during which you can:

  1. Apply & get approval for the WhatsApp Business API for free. Check out how to apply for the WhatsApp Business API with AiSensy.
  2. Connect WhatsApp Chatbots with ease from Google Dialogflow.
  3. Shoot Broadcast campaigns & re-target users using a smart user segmentation system.

Don’t worry! We have platform tutorials set up to guide you along the way. If you find yourself stuck somewhere, our team is just a call away from helping you out. Reach them here.

How much does WhatsApp API Cost?

Procurement of WhatsApp Business API is free if you choose AiSensy as your WhatsApp partner. There are no charges for you to get approval for WhatsApp Business API with AiSensy.

However, WhatsApp does charge for conversations between businesses & customers (which earlier was template message-based)

Let’s dive into how WhatsApp charges for Conversations :

Since 1 February 2022, WhatsApp charges businesses on the basis of a conversation-based pricing model.

In the Conversation-based pricing, WhatsApp charges for each conversation: Business Initiated Conversation & User-Initiated Conversation.

WhatsApp Conversation is a 24-hour messaging window initiated only when a business messages a user.

Businesses and users can exchange any number of messages, including template messages, within a 24-hour conversation session without incurring additional charges.

WhatsApp charges a certain fee for each business-initiated conversation (BIC) and user-initiated conversation (UIC) depending on the country code of the users.

User-initiated Conversations (UICs)

WhatsApp User initiated Conversation Example
POV: User chat screen

Whenever a business replies to a user within the 24-hour session window, that message initiates a user-initiated conversation (UIC)

The 24-hour session window starts when a user messages the business & is valid till 24 hours from the latest/last message of the user. The business can respond in this 24 hours session window with any message (without any approval required).

If the business fails to respond within this 24-hour session window, the business will have to start the conversation with a pre-approved template message.

In the above example, the 24 hours session window starts at 1: 09 PM. The User-initiated conversation starts only when the business responds to the user’s message i.e. at 3:30 P.M and is charged as per the UIC pricing.

The UIC, in this case, will be valid till 3:30 p.m. the next day. After 3:30 PM, if the conversation continues, the business would have to pay for another conversation.

The pricing of UIC, as charged by WhatsApp is ₹0.35 for Indian recipients.

Business-initiated Conversations­

WhatsApp Business initiated Conversation example
POV : User chat screen

When a business initiates the conversation (after the 24-hour session window or as the first message) with a Template message, it’s considered a business-initiated conversation.

But, to start this kind of conversation, businesses need to get template messages approved beforehand which usually take 15 minutes to 3 hours to get approved.

The benefit here is that once a business initiates a BIC & pays for one conversation, it can exchange unlimited messages with the user for the next 24-hours.

Business initiated conversations cost ₹0.55/conversation.

To know more about Conversation-based pricing, check out this blog.

AiSensy Pricing

While AiSensy doesn’t charge any cent to onboard users to the WhatsApp Business API, there is a certain charge for using the platform.

We’ve made sure to keep our pricing flexible so that it fits your needs perfectly.

AiSensy charges businesses on the basis of Monthly Active Users (MAUs) in a particular month/ year.

You pay only for the number of Monthly Active Users (MAUs) you connect with each month on WhatsApp.

The basic plan starts from ₹999/ paid monthly.

We have various plans based on the number of Monthly Active Users you have! Check them out here.

AiSensy offers flexible pricing, meaning that you can upgrade/ downgrade from monthly to yearly or yearly to monthly flexibly. Check out how to upgrade/ downgrade from the current plan.


We don’t want to leave you hanging with questions in your mind. Here are some most frequently asked WhatsApp Business API questions, answered.

Q. Is WhatsApp API available in India?

Launched by WhatsApp in 2018, WhatsApp Business API allows businesses to:

  • Send messages to up to 1,00,000 unique users every day
  • Provide live customer support to users in a 24-hour chat window.

However, as we’ve discussed above, WhatsApp doesn’t provide an interface to use WhatsApp Business API. To use WhatsApp Business API along with many more robust features, you can use the official WhatsApp Business API based Marketing platform, AiSensy.

AiSensy allows startups, small, m-sized businesses and enterprises to grow their business with features like:

  • Send promotional messages on WhatsApp to over 1,00,000 users in one go
  • Create & implement a WhatsApp Chatbot to automate customer support & marketing efforts 24x7.
  • Automate notifications for orders, payments, and abandoned carts including rich media like images, video, links, quick reply buttons & more.
  • Use WhatsApp Business on multiple devices.
  • Answer multiple customers queries instantly via Live Chat.
  • Manage unlimited contacts with WhatsApp API based platform, AiSensy.
  • Use a smart campaigns manager to filter & manage WhatsApp Broadcasts (AiSensy Exclusive😉).

Q. Is WhatsApp Marketing legal?

Yes, WhatsApp Marketing is 100% legal & is used by some of the top businesses across the globe.

AiSensy clients such as Skullcandy, Byju’s, Vivo, Rentomojo, Ungli Games & more use the official WhatsApp Business API to:

  1. Send promotional offers on WhatsApp to over 1,00,000+ people.
  2. Answer customer queries instantly with multiple live chat support.
  3. Integrate WhatsApp Chatbot to automate sales & customer support.
  4. Automate notifications for orders, delivery, payments, abandoned carts & more.

Please note here that using unofficial or spammy WhatsApp software will get your number blocked by WhatsApp for life. Don’t do that!

Only choose official WhatsApp Marketing platforms like AiSensy for your business’ WhatsApp Marketing.

Q. Which one is better: WhatsApp Business or WhatsApp Business API?

While WhatsApp Business is tailored for small businesses & individual owners, WhatsApp Business API is built for medium to large businesses with large message volumes.

With WhatsApp Business App, you can:

  • Send WhatsApp Broadcast to upto 256 people in one go (they must have added you to their contact list to receive the Broadcast)
  • Answer queries in lesser volumes (only individual device access)
  • Create an enhanced business description with product catalogues
  • Set up an automatic welcome message.

If the above pointers feel enticing enough for your business, go ahead with WhatsApp Business.

But, if you want to:

  • Use WhatsApp on multiple devices,
  • Send WhatsApp broadcast to over 1,00,000 users in one go,
  • Automate WhatsApp Chatbot,
  • Send clickable buttons with messages.

Then, WhatsApp Business API is the perfect choice for your business.

For a more detailed comparison, check out this blog- WhatsApp Business App Vs WhatsApp Business API.

Q. Can I use WhatsApp Apps & WhatsApp Business API on the same number?

NO, you can’t! If you do that, you won’t be able to proceed ahead with your WhatsApp API application.

The number which is active on WhatsApp Business API can’t be registered on WhatsApp Apps.

Also, if a number is already registered on WhatsApp Apps and you want to get the API on the same number, you must delete your WhatsApp account from that number.

Deleting the app isn’t mandatory, the account must be deleted. Here’s how to delete your WhatsApp account.

Q. Can I access WhatsApp on multiple devices with WhatsApp Business API?

Yes, you can access WhatsApp Business API on as many devices as you want using AiSensy.

Unlike WhatsApp Business, WhatsApp Business API can be used on multiple devices. You can log in to AiSensy on the go using a Mobile device, PC & tabs.

Check out how to use WhatsApp on multiple devices with AiSensy.

Q. Can we integrate Chatbots using WhatsApp Business API?

This certainly is possible!

You’d need a WhatsApp Business API based platform like AiSensy to integrate a WhatsApp Chatbot.

The process is really easy & you can do it yourself by reading the Chatbot Tutorial posted on our website. If not, you can ask their team to create it for you!

Once integrated, the Chatbot will be able to handle tasks like:

  1. Handling sales
  2. Automating customer service
  3. Understand human language and respond intelligently
  4. Forward the conversation to a live chat agent if need be.
  5. Nurture leads by collecting attributes such as email, interest, age & many more elements. This comes in handy if you want to qualify the user for a business loan, online course & more.

Q. Can I send automated messages using WhatsApp Business API?

You can automate WhatsApp messages to your customers like a welcome message, order/ payment confirmation, abandoned cart notification, application drop-off notification & more using WhatsApp Marketing Software AiSensy.

Here are a few CRMs & Ecommerce platforms that integrate with AiSensy- AiSensy Integrations. All other integrations can be done using AiSensy Webhooks and APIs.


Phew, well that sums it up!

If you read till here, you’re obviously serious about using WhatsApp Business to boost your business revenues.

WhatsApp Marketing with the Business API has an amazing future! Businesses with the aim to provide robust customer support & enable high-converting campaigns can use AiSensy to notch up their marketing & customer support game.

Thanks for reading. Hope you got some valuable information from this blog. If you liked this, make sure to share it with others.



Shivam Aggarwal
Editor for

A Content Writer at day, a poet at night. I love words that rhyme!