Still using Emails/ SMS? Here’s why you should switch to WhatsApp Notifications

Shivam Aggarwal
Published in
11 min readMay 3, 2022

The best place to communicate with your users is where they feel most comfortable.

Communicating via the wrong mediums is only going to be a waste of your time & resources!

Emails & SMS have become doomed Marketing channels. Nobody opens emails or SMS anymore, except for recovering their Google passwords or for verifying OTPs.

2019 research conducted on 5,00,000 Swedish workers found an unnerving connection between emails & unhappiness.

If you’re a business looking to boost conversions & ROI, you’d want to avoid that. So, what’s the alternative?

The preference of over 2.2 billion active global users: WhatsApp

WhatsApp is one of the most popular applications across 190+ countries.

WhatsApp Broadcast messages have a 98% open rate & 50–60% Click-Through Rate in contrast with the 20% open rate & 2% conversion rate of emails & SMS.

In this blog, we’ll discuss:

· WhatsApp Broadcast Message- What is it?
· How to send Broadcast messages on WhatsApp?
· WhatsApp Broadcasting with WhatsApp Business API
Method 1- Through Contact Page
Method 2- WhatsApp Broadcasting through Campaign Page
· How to track analytics?
· WhatsApp Broadcasting FAQs
· How to apply for WhatsApp Business API?
· Conclusion

WhatsApp Broadcast Message- What is it?

A WhatsApp Broadcast Message can be any type of message such as product releases, newsletters, promotional offers, festive wishes & more messages that you can send up to 1,00,000 users, in their private chats.

Initially, you can broadcast to 1,000 users in Broadcast Tier 1. In Tier 3, the Broadcast Limit increases to 1,00,000 which further increases to UNLIMITED users in Tier 4. Check out how to upgrade WhatsApp Broadcast Tier Limit.

Here’s what you can & cannot do while broadcasting with WhatsApp Business App:

1. You can send a WhatsApp Broadcast Message to only 256 people in one go

2. You can’t measure results (read & delivery rate not available on the app)

3. You can’t send clickable buttons

4. It doesn’t support WhatsApp Chatbot Integration.

But, with access to WhatsApp Business API, you can:

1. Send promotional WhatsApp Broadcast to 1,00,000+ users in one go without any restrictions.

2. Send clickable CTA & Quick Reply buttons.

3. Send Broadcast messages to people who haven’t added you to their contacts.

4. Measure results for WhatsApp Broadcast via smart Analytics Dashboard (AiSensy exclusive😉).

Here are examples of a WhatsApp Broadcast message sent via WhatsApp Business API.

Image above: Payment Reminder WhatsApp Broadcast Message Select an Image

WhatsApp Broadcast Message, New Product Launch
Image above: WhatsApp Broadcast Message, New Product Launch
WhatsApp Broadcast Message, Coupon Code
WhatsApp Broadcast Message, Coupon Code

<br> <h2 id=”h2">Why should you send Broadcast messages on WhatsApp?</h2>

WhatsApp is the perfect communication channel if you genuinely want to engage & convert users into customers.

These statistics prove the above statement:

  1. Reach over 2.2 billion Users- 2.2 billion users actively use WhatsApp each month to communicate with their friends, family & businesses.
  2. 98% message open rate- Out of one hundred Messages sent on WhatsApp, 98 are read within the first 2 hours, 5x more in comparison to emails & SMS.
  3. 45–60% Conversion Rates- WhatsApp Broadcast messages have a robust conversion rate of 45–60%, 12x more than emails & SMS.

WhatsApp Broadcast messages via AiSensy are a great boon to your Business with benefits such as:

  1. Check which all users have received your WhatsApp broadcast messages by monitoring green ticks.
  2. Get feedback from your users for your products & services on WhatsApp.
  3. Great source of engaging users in a direct 1:1 conversation.
Image above: AiSensy Broadcast Analytics Page
Image above: AiSensy Broadcast Analytics Page

As shown in the above image, you can view insights of your Broadcast campaign including details like messages delivered, read, failed messages (and the reason for failed messages)!

Note: Failed Messages only happen when the user isn’t present on WhatsApp!

How to send Broadcast messages on WhatsApp?

You can send a WhatsApp Broadcast easily using:

  1. WhatsApp Business App
  2. WhatsApp Business API

Just follow these steps to quickly create & send a WhatsApp Broadcast using WhatsApp & WhatsApp Business

  1. Click the three dots in the App & click on “New Broadcast”.
  2. Now add people to the Broadcast list from your contacts. Only add those contacts whom you know have added you to their contact list, otherwise, they won’t receive the Broadcast.
  3. Add the Broadcast Message & hit send.
  4. Each contact on the Broadcast list will receive the message in their private chat.

But, the WhatsApp Business App & WhatsApp messenger applications weren’t built for medium to large enterprises.

They were built for individual business owners running on a small scale, looking to promote their products & services to a limited audience.

So, what’s the solution to this 256 Contact Limit?

WhatsApp Broadcasting with WhatsApp Business API

Read this WhatsApp Business API guide to know more.

The WhatsApp API doesn’t have an interface of its own like the WhatsApp Business App.

Thus, WhatsApp delegated the responsibility of this to multiple WhatsApp Business API providers like AiSensy.

AiSensy is a WhatsApp API provider, providing businesses with an interface to interact with the WhatsApp Business API. AiSensy allows businesses to achieve purposes such as:

  1. Broadcast messages on WhatsApp to up to 1,00,000 users in one go
  2. Automate notifications for Abandoned Carts, application drop-offs, order confirmations, newsletters & much more
  3. Integrate WhatsApp Chatbot for 24x7x365 customer support
  4. Provide multiple agent live chat support on multiple devices.

Want to get started with WhatsApp Broadcasting? Apply for WhatsApp Business API free with AiSensy.

  1. Through Contacts Page
  2. Through Campaigns Page.

Method 1- Through Contact Page

Sending WhatsApp Broadcast via the Contacts page is extremely easy! You only need to filter the contacts to whom you want to send the Broadcast, select a pre-approved template message, configure all parameters & send!

Image above: AiSensy Contacts Page Select an Image

Step 1: Filter the customers based on various parameters. You can filter using parameters such as organic, ads, active and closed as shown in the image below 👇‍.

Image above: Contact segregation in AiSensy App

Step 2: Now, select all the filtered down users and click on the “Broadcast” button as shown in the image below👇‍.

Image above: AiSensy Contacts Page

Step 3: Select the WhatsApp broadcast message you want to send and hit, “Send now” to shoot the broadcast as shown in the image below👇‍.

Image above: Final screen before shooting WhatsApp Broadcast

We’ve chosen Payment Reminder as to WhatsApp Broadcast message.

Configure all parameters based on the use case and intent of the WhatsApp Broadcast. Take time and do this step carefully as once you hit send, there’s no reversing it!

Step 4- Finally, hit the ‘Send now’ button to live the broadcast to your users.

Method 2- WhatsApp Broadcasting through Campaign Page

To launch a WhatsApp Broadcast from the campaigns page, hit the ‘+Launch’ button on the top right corner and choose ‘Broadcast’. Now, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Choose a campaign name that best describes the broadcast or your end goals.

Image above: AiSensy Campaigns page

Step 2: Select between pre-approved WhatsApp template messages or regular messages that you want to broadcast to users. Template messages need to be approved by WhatsApp to send to users.

Check out this WhatsApp Template message guide to know how to create & get template messages approved.

Regular messages can be any message you draft and send to users who have connected with you in the past 24 hours. Messages can include text, media, images, videos, CTA buttons, quick replies and much more.

Step 3: Now, segregate your audience and choose the contacts to whom you wish to send the WhatsApp Broadcast.

Image above: Applying filters to segregate audience

Filter the audience to send WhatsApp Broadcast

Step 4: Pick a pre-approved template message or create a regular message and configure the parameters just like we did while sending broadcasts through the contacts method.

Step 5: Configure & preview the selected message and click “Broadcast” to launch the WhatsApp Broadcast Campaign.

Image above: Final screen before sending WhatsApp Broadcast via Campaigns Page

Finally, preview & send the ‘Broadcast

How to track analytics?

Tracking the performance of WhatsApp Broadcast is equally important as sending the broadcast.

  • Go to campaigns and hit the ‘eye’ button on the left side of each campaign.
  • You’ll see analytics like the ones shown in the image below
Image above: AiSensy analytics page

Here, you can view how many people the campaign was sent or failed to send, deliver, read and enqueued.

That’s it!

Your message will reach your customers immediately.

But you cannot start sending messages to 100, 000 unique customers from the beginning. You’d first have to win the three tiers of trust:

  • 1st tier- In the 1st tier, you can only send messages to 1000 unique users in one day. You can’t send WhatsApp Broadcast messages to 1000+ users in one single day if you are in Tier 1.
  • 2nd Tier- Businesses can send messages to 10,000 unique users in the 2nd tier.
  • 3rd Tier- This tier allows businesses to send a broadcast to 1, 00,000 unique users.
  • 4th Tier- 4th & the biggest WhatsApp Broadcast Tier; it allows you to send WhatsApp Broadcast to UNLIMITED users! However, to unlock this you need to prove your credibility on WhatsApp.

Check out tips to upgrade your WhatsApp Broadcast Tier.

<br> <h2 id=”h8">Bulk WhatsApp Broadcasting from Excel</h2>

Video above: Sending WhatsApp Broadcast from MS excel without getting blocked

WhatsApp Broadcasting FAQs

Here are some queries that might come to mind once you start using WhatsApp Business API to share broadcast messages.

Q What happens when you Broadcast a message on WhatsApp?

Upon sending a WhatsApp Broadcast message, the recipients who’ve added your number to their list will receive the message in their private chats.

If you’re using AiSensy, an official WhatsApp Business API based marketing platform, your message will reach users who haven’t added you to their list.

Q What is a WhatsApp Broadcast List?

A WhatsApp Broadcast List is a saved list of all the contacts to whom you send the WhatsApp Broadcast.

All users receive the WhatsApp Broadcast in their personal chats & not in a Group Chat, making a huge difference.

People who have received the same Broadcast cannot see the names & numbers of other people (making it extremely private, secure & user-focused)

Q Why do some recipients not receive WhatsApp Broadcast Messages?

One of the major disadvantages of using WhatsApp Business to send WhatsApp Broadcast messages is that only those contacts who’ve added you to their list will receive the message.

However, if you’re using AiSensy, your WhatsApp Broadcast Message to even those users who haven’t added you to their contacts.

If they still haven’t received the message, it can be that they are inactive on WhatsApp or have blocked you from sending messages.

Q How to export all my contacts in WhatsApp Broadcast?

To export contacts, you need to upload your contact list in .csv format. You can also pick the contacts who have contacted you recently.

Check out this tutorial to know how to export up to 2,00,000 contacts in one go.

Q Is there a risk of my number getting blocked?

This depends on the Quality Rating that WhatsApp allows you. If people block or report you as spam, you’ll receive a warning on FB Business Manager. If you’re still unable to cope with the ratings, your number will get blocked.

Also, customer success experts at AiSensy help manage your Quality ratings through robust tips & strategies. So, rest assured- your chances of getting blocked are as low as that of the sun rising from the west.

Q How do I know if someone has received my WhatsApp Broadcast Message?

If you’re using WhatsApp Business App or messenger app, you’d notice green ticks for contacts who’ve read your message.

If there are no green ticks or no double ticks as well, consider that the reader didn’t receive the message.

In AiSensy App, you can check the Analytics Dashboard to know exact insights on how many people received & read the WhatsApp Broadcast message.

You can also see failed messages as well as the reason for Failed Messages (mostly because the user isn’t present on WhatsApp).

Q How do I take opt-in from users?

Opt in WhatsApp Message
  • Whenever a user sends you a message, you automatically get an opt-in
  • Add WhatsApp Link in SMS & e-mail campaigns.
  • Have a checkmark in the lead contact form on your landing page taking consent and opt-in from users.

Feel free to share your other concerns with our team. Click here to connect with our experts.

Q What are failed messages & do I need to pay for them?

Failed messages are those which are not sent to users. This can be due to two reasons:

  • No opt-in
  • Inactive user

If a broadcast message fails to deliver, you won’t be charged a single dime!

Q Can I send promotional messages via WhatsApp Broadcast?

Prior to September 2021, WhatsApp didn’t allow businesses to send promotional messages on WhatsApp. However, they now allow businesses across the globe to send promotional messages without risk of getting banned.

To know more about sending promotional messages on WhatsApp, check out this blog.

How to apply for WhatsApp Business API?

We’ll get right down to facts; WhatsApp neither provides the API directly to businesses nor does it offer a platform that businesses can use to operate the API.

It delegates the duty to various partners as we’ve mentioned before. AiSensy is one such WhatsApp partner!

Using AiSensy, you can get access to the API in as quick as 10 minutes.

First, you must have these things ready to apply for the WhatsApp Business API. These include:

  • Verified Facebook Business Manager Account- You must have your Facebook Business Manager Account ready to apply for the WhatsApp API. Check out how to get your Facebook Business Manager verified.
  • The Facebook Business Manager Account verification process and the WhatsApp Business API procurement can be done parallel as well. It means you can do it simultaneously.
  • A Business Website- You must have a business website to get access to the WhatsApp Business API.
  • A Fresh Phone Number- You must have an active phone number that isn’t currently registered with any of the WhatsApp accounts.
  • You can use your old phone number too, but you’ll have to permanently delete the WhatsApp App/ Account active on it. Read here how to delete your current WhatsApp Account.

Once you have these things ready, sign up on the AiSensy App by clicking here.

Select an Image

Once you sign up, you’ll automatically enter a 14-Day Free Trial period during which you can:

  1. Apply & get approval for the WhatsApp Business API for free. Check out how to apply for the WhatsApp Business API with AiSensy.
  2. Connect WhatsApp Chatbots with ease from Google Dialogflow.
  3. Shoot Broadcast campaigns & re-target users using a smart user segmentation system.

We have platform tutorials set up to guide you along the way. If you find yourself stuck somewhere, our team is just a call away from helping you out. Reach them here.


We hope you understood everything there is to know about WhatsApp Broadcast in this blog.

If you did, share it with others.



Shivam Aggarwal
Editor for

A Content Writer at day, a poet at night. I love words that rhyme!