Crash Course in Data: Preprocessing of Image Data

Anvi Jain
AI Skunks
Published in
10 min readMar 13, 2023

Authors: Anvi Jain, Snehil Aryan, Nik Bear Brown


There are several real-world applications of image processing. Unfortunately, a few problems associated with image data includes complexity, inaccuracy, and inadequacy. To get the intended outcomes, the data must be preprocessed (cleaned and processed to the proper format) before creating a computer vision model.

Pre-processing is intended to improve the image data by enhancing certain crucial visual features or suppressing unintentional distortions.
Real-world examples of Image processing:
• Medical Imaging: To more quickly detect irregularities, scientists in the field of medicine examine the inside organs and tissues of living things. Medical imaging image processing can help create crisp, high-quality images for scientific and medicinal research, ultimately assisting doctors in making diagnoses.
• Military and defense: Steganography is a fascinating way that image processing is used in the military. In order to communicate information back and forth without a third party noticing the message, experts can conceal a message or an image inside another image.

Why is it important?

To prepare image data for model input, some pre-processing is required. One example of this is for convolutional neural networks, where the images need to be in arrays of the same size for fully connected layers. Additionally, pre-processing can help to reduce model training time and improve model inference speed. For example, if the input images are very large, reducing their size can significantly shorten the time required for model training without compromising the model’s performance. Although geometric transformations of images, such as rotation, scaling, and translation, are considered pre-processing techniques, the main goal of pre-processing is to improve the image data by reducing unintended distortions or enhancing important image features for further processing.

Steps for Image Preprocessing:

  • Resizing
  • Normalization
  • Data Augmentation
  • Image Filtering
  • Greyscale
  1. Resizing and Scaling

Most of the neural network models assume a square shape input image, which means that each image needs to be checked if it is a square or not, and cropped appropriately. Cropping can be done to select a square part of the image, as shown. While cropping, we usually care about the part in the centre. Images can be resized to a smaller or larger size and scaled to have a certain range of pixel values.

2. Normalization

What is Normalization: Normalization, which is also known as contrast stretching or histogram stretching, is a technique in image processing that alters the range of pixel intensity values. This method is useful in enhancing photographs that suffer from low contrast because of glare or other issues. In other domains of data processing, like digital signal processing, it is referred to as dynamic range expansion.

Why? Normalization is used to improve the model’s performance, the pixel values are converted to a range between 0 and 1, or -1 and 1.

The objective is to ensure uniformity in the dynamic range of a collection of data, signals, or images so as to prevent mental exhaustion or distraction. As an illustration, a newspaper would endeavor to ensure that all the pictures in a particular edition have a comparable grayscale range.

Normalization transforms an n-dimensional image:

with intensity range(Min, Max), into a new image:

with intensity values in the range (newMin,newMax). The linear normalization of a grayscale digital image is performed according to the formula:

3. Data Augmentation

Data augmentation is a technique used to increase the amount of data by adding slightly modified copies of already existing data or newly created synthetic data from existing data.

Common operations used for data augmentation for images:
• Rotation
• Shearing
• Zooming
• Cropping
• Flipping
• Changing the brightness level

There are two types of augmentation:

Offline augmentation — Used for small datasets. It is applied in the data preprocessing step.

Online augmentation- Used for large datasets. It is normally applied in real time.

4. Greyscale

Grayscale is simply converting images from color to black and white. It is normally used to reduce computation complexity in machine learning algorithms.

5. Image Filtering

For Python, the Open-CV and PIL packages allow you to apply several digital filters. Applying a digital filter involves taking the convolution of an image with a kernel (a small matrix). For example, you can filter an image to emphasize certain features or remove other features. Image processing operations implemented with filtering include smoothing, sharpening, and edge enhancement.

Morphological Operations

These are mathematical operations that are used to pull important information from images, like structures and objects. These operations can also be used to enhance the image by removing the noise (erosion) and increasing the size of shapes (dilation). These operations are done using a structuring element, which is a shape that depends on the use case.

Important Terminology:

1. Structuring Element: It is a matrix that is moved over an image and its shape is used to extract or modify the useful information in the image.

2. Fit — The pixels in the structuring element overlaps with the objects.

3. Hit — One or more pixels in the structuring element overlap with the pixels of the object being searched

4. Miss — None of the pixels in the structuring element overlap with the pixel being searched. The following figure explains the concept of fit, miss, and hit.

Types of Morphological Operations: In these operations, the value of the resultant pixel depends on the type of morphological operation being used after moving the structuring element.

  1. Erosion: It is used to decrease the size of the shapes in the image. Hence can be thought of as removing the noise so that we only have the required shape as one connected object. After the structuring element is placed over the image, the value of the center pixel is replaced with the minimum value of pixels in the structuring element. In a binary image, this value becomes 0 or black. Because the pixel will be replaced with zero objects in the image and become smaller.

2. Dilation: As the name suggests it is used to dilate the white pixels or increase the size of objects in the image. In this, the value of the center pixel is replaced by the maximum value of the pixel in the structuring element. This will increase the number of 1s in the image matrix in the case of the binary image.

Applications of Morphological Operations:

  1. Object Recognition: By using erosion and dilation with a specific size for structuring elements in a particular order, depending on the use case, features in an image can be extracted.
  2. Image Segmentation: They can also be used to separate features in the image. For instance, if there is a binary image where black (pixel value 0) is the background and white (pixel value 1) is an object, erosion can be used to separate the objects. Vice versa if white is the background.
  3. Image Enhancement: It can also be used to remove the noise and improve the sharpness of the image.
  4. Image Restoration: They can also be used to repair damaged structures in an image or the information that was lost from the image because of the poor quality of the camera or compression
bw = cv2.threshold(img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
erosion = cv2.erode(bw_img,kernel,iterations = 1)
dilate = cv2.dilate(bw_img,kernel,iterations = 1)
Results for Erosion and Dilation

Compound Operations: As mentioned above image processing algorithms use morphological operations that are a sequence of erosion and dilation.

These are called compound operations and they are of the following types.

  1. Closing: Dilation followed by erosion
  2. Opening: Erosion followed by dilation.

The best way to understand image processing concepts is by using images. The following figure explains the two types of compound operations.

Connected Components

Significance in Computer Vision:

In computer vision, connected components refer to sets of pixels in an image that is connected to each other by some criterion, such as sharing the same color, intensity, or texture.

Connected components are important in computer vision for several reasons:

1. Object detection and recognition: Connected components can be used to detect and recognize objects in an image. By identifying groups of pixels that form a connected component, computer vision algorithms can isolate and analyze individual objects within an image.

2. Image segmentation: Connected components can be used to segment an image into regions or objects. By grouping pixels into connected components, computer vision algorithms can separate the foreground from the background, or identify different objects within an image.

3. Feature extraction: Connected components can be used to extract features from an image. By analyzing the properties of connected components, such as their shape, size, and color, computer vision algorithms can extract meaningful features that can be used for classification or other tasks.

Overall, connected components are a fundamental concept in computer vision that can be used for a wide range of applications, from object detection and recognition to image segmentation and feature extraction.

· 4-connectivity: If two pixels’ edges contact, they are connected. If two pixels are connected in either the horizontal or vertical direction and are both on, they are a single object.

· 8-connectivity: If two pixels’ edges or corners meet, they are connected. If two adjacent pixels are both on and connected in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal direction, they are a single object.

kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (5, 5))
# Perform the closing operation
closing = cv2.morphologyEx(binary, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel)
num_labels, labels = cv2.connectedComponents(closing, connectivity=8)
print(f"The number of objects in the image with the background : {num_labels}")

Feature Extraction

Feature extraction is a process of selecting and extracting meaningful and informative features from raw data, such as images, that can be used to represent and classify the data. In image processing, feature extraction involves identifying and extracting important patterns or structures from images that can be used to describe their content.

Here are some common methods used for feature extraction from images:

1. Edge detection: Edge detection algorithms identify and extract the boundaries between regions in an image. These boundaries can be used as features for object recognition or segmentation.

2. Histogram-based features: Histogram-based features extract statistical information from the image histogram, such as color or texture information. These features can be used for image classification or clustering.

3. Texture analysis: Texture analysis involves identifying and extracting the patterns or structures that repeat within an image, such as lines, dots, or shapes. These features can be used for image segmentation or classification.

4. Scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT): SIFT is a popular method for detecting and describing key points in an image that are invariant to scaling, rotation, and translation. These key points can be used for object recognition or image matching.

5. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs): CNNs are deep learning models that can learn to extract features automatically from images. These models have been shown to be very effective for a wide range of image processing tasks, including object recognition, image segmentation, and image generation.

Canny Edge Detection

It is a popular edge detection technique developed by John F. Canny. Following are the steps that we need to follow:

  1. Remove the noise using Gaussian Blurring
  2. Calculate Intensity Gradient: Gradient is the change in direction of intensity level. It can be calculated using the following formula.

3. Non-Maximum Suppression This is done to find pixels in the image that might not be the edge of an object. To do this we check if the pixel is a local maximum in its neighborhood in the direction of the gradient.

4. The process of determining which edges are genuine and which ones are not involved utilizing two threshold values, namely minVal and maxVal. Any edges whose intensity gradient exceeds the maximum threshold value (maxVal) are definitely considered edges, while those whose gradient falls below the minimum threshold value (minVal) are automatically excluded as non-edges. The remaining edges, whose gradients fall between these two threshold values, are evaluated based on their connectivity. If these edges are connected to pixels that are definitely classified as edges, they are deemed to be part of the genuine edges, and if not, they are also excluded.

5. Hysteresis Thresholding: The process of determining which edges are genuine and which ones are not involved utilizing two threshold values, namely minVal and maxVal. Any edges whose intensity gradient exceeds the maximum threshold value (maxVal) are definitely considered as edges, while those whose gradient falls below the minimum threshold value (minVal) are automatically excluded as non-edges. The remaining edges, whose gradients fall between these two threshold values, are evaluated based on their connectivity. If these edges are connected to pixels that are definitely classified as edges, they are deemed to be part of the genuine edges, and if not, they are also excluded.


