Turing Machine: The Foundation of Modern Computing

Ananthakrishnan Harikumar
AI Skunks
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2023

In the world of computing, there are few concepts as fundamental as the Turing machine. Proposed by British mathematician and computer scientist Alan Turing in 1936, the Turing machine is a theoretical device that serves as the basis for modern computing. In this article, we’ll explore what the Turing machine is, how it works, and why it’s so important to computer science.

What is a Turing Machine?

A Turing machine is a theoretical device that can perform any computation that can be performed by a digital computer. At its simplest, a Turing machine consists of an infinite tape divided into squares, a read-write head that can move along the tape and read or write symbols on it, and a finite set of rules that dictate how the machine should behave.

The symbols on the tape can be any finite set of symbols, and the rules of the machine specify how it should change the symbols on the tape based on its current state and the symbol it is currently reading. The machine can also change its internal state based on these rules.

The concept of a Turing machine is powerful because it shows that any computation that can be performed by a digital computer can be performed by a machine that follows a finite set of rules. This means that any problem that can be solved by a digital computer can be solved by a Turing machine.

How does a Turing Machine work?

To understand how a Turing machine works, let’s look at an example. Suppose we want to create a Turing machine that can add two numbers. We could represent the two numbers as symbols on the tape, with a blank space between them. The machine would then move the read-write head to the first number, add the two numbers together, and write the result on the tape.

To do this, the Turing machine would use a set of rules that specify how it should behave in different situations. For example, one rule might say that if the machine is in state A and it reads a 0, it should write a 1, move the read-write head one space to the right, and change to state B. Another rule might say that if the machine is in state B and it reads a 0, it should write a 0, move the read-write head one space to the left, and change to state C.

By following a set of rules like this, the Turing machine can perform any computation that can be performed by a digital computer. Of course, in practice, actual computers are much more complex than Turing machines, but the concept of a Turing machine provides a foundation for understanding how computers work.


The Turing machine is a fundamental concept in computer science that provides a theoretical framework for understanding computation. By showing that any computation that can be performed by a digital computer can be performed by a machine that follows a finite set of rules, it demonstrates the power and versatility of digital computing. The concept of a Turing machine played a key role in the development of modern computer science and continues



Ananthakrishnan Harikumar
AI Skunks
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A common man who believes in love and compassion more than religion and boundaries.