A Rainbow of Dreams

Shreenit Shahapurkar
Published in
3 min readDec 13, 2017

It was one of those days where the synchrony of raindrops and the excruciatingly slow turn of the page of the book that Jane was reading gushed her into a series of wavering thoughts, alternate universes and then some more.

She stared harder at the words that made a sentence, a paragraph, a whole chapter and eventually this book; that she had picked up at the local bookstore. Jane picked up from where she had previously left off, the lines on the page reminded her of something. Something that she was proud of today. The line read ‘….Life is a journey and it’s about growing and changing and coming to terms with who you are…’ and she knew she had come far. Far from the pain and enduring journey that she persevered and thus, started the barrage of thoughts that came after.

The dark clouds come on a rather mundane, clear day with strong winds and thunder. We often forget how they come ushering a bigger purpose than just drenching our sorrows in the gloom. The sky after a heavy shower always brings colors, colors otherwise heart-warming to the soul; colors that add a new life to the sunset sky after an overwhelming downpour of emotions.
There might be a silver lining but while we are figuring it out, we often miss out on taking better care of ourselves. Sure, taking care of your body is a thing that will go a long way, but we often forget our feeble hearts and our undeciphered emotions. Something that oddly defines the biggest part of how we feel about ourselves and others. Most of us swim in an ocean of hurt, maybe even regret and eventually drown, only a few making it to the shore on a blue moon day.

Today, our lives have been eclipsed by technology, work, expectations and an outward stature that needs maintenance to the world. It’s a lot of work and effort that needs to be put in, more often than not for everyone else except yourself. We’ve come of age, but we still fail at listening to our hearts and knowing it’s okay to do things for ourselves. Time and again, we still traverse the terrain of hurt because that’s how we’re made. We still traverse the long roads, maybe a million times and every time feels like a deja vu.

But it’s okay to traverse that terrain. It’s okay to lose control and fall. But it’s essential to learn to rebuild, to pick yourself up again and emerge stronger. The state of our mind is never constant, rather it may be notoriously fickle. Perhaps, it’s the saddest when you can’t look forward to your own comfort zone, because you don’t believe anything else could be real. It doesn’t convince you of its reality, but it still takes a major toll on you.

But you do ‘you’. You give it all you got, you have to. Get stabbed, be heartbroken, wander restlessly, screw up your priorities, have your days of tears and fears that you can’t explain. But never forget that the sun would shine, like it always does. The clouds would disperse with the far blowing winds and the raindrops would fade. Drawing smaller as a bleak rainbow would, the way it would perch itself over the horizon. And that’s when you finally call upon your spade and use it to dig that treasure at the end of the rainbow that you rightfully deserve. And the treasure is your jackpot, yours to keep. Yours to cherish.

Another tale. Another day. Another song and a rhyme. Another battle to keep you going. Chin up, soldier. It’s not over yet!

