Adding Love To Our Logo

Shreenit Shahapurkar
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2018

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True Love, Forever

Aisle has come a long way since our launch in 2014, but our commitment to helping you find a meaningful relationship still remains our top priority.

As we embark on a new journey this year, we introduce to you our newest logo. After exploring and trying out different combinations, we came up with a change. A small change that reflects our intentions.

We chose Valentine’s day to embrace this new change to our logo as it is the universally accepted day to celebrate love. But before we get into the details of that let’s address a matter of concern and why we felt the need for this change.

Recent Culture Shift

Times have changed and so has the general perception and approach to dating. While this has made it simpler and easier to find love, it has also given rise to an experimental hookup culture.

This casual dating culture although a western concept has finally grown roots in the minds of urban Indians. It’s easy to look past the blurring lines and forget about conventional courtship and dating, especially when faced with the lifestyle and dating trends that promote instant gratification. That being said when it comes to settling down and finding a long term partner for a committed relationship, the youthful Indian community is almost entirely united in acknowledging that these casual dating apps are not cut out for that purpose.

Aisle stands out as the counterculture now, as we continue to build and reinforce a product that is designed to help our members find that one in a million as opposed to dating with all the wrong intentions. At Aisle, we still believe that a vast majority of young Indians are in search of true love and that they still believe in ‘old school’ romance. These people are our clan, the ones that understand our philosophy and why we stick to it.

Addition Of The Heart

They say a logo is much like the name of an organisation, an identity that reflects its dreams and aspirations. When we started out in 2014, we aimed for simplicity and minimalism. Our vision was to deliver a hassle-free and clean experience to the user without compromising on usability or functionality. Initially, our logo sported sharp edges and straight lines, a representation of the modernist and minimalist approach as we stepped into the dating world for the first time.

While simple and elegant, our logo was starting to feel flat and we felt that there was room for improvement. We have always believed that the logo should be an astute representation of what we do and the direction we are heading. In 2015, we embraced a change with a new logo, presenting smoother curves and lines that transitioned seamlessly.

The dot on the ‘i’ of Aisle now proudly wears a heart instead. The heart is a celebration of love and the people who were successful in finding the one on Aisle. It’s about how far we’ve come as a community in accepting dating and finding relationships online.

The addition of the heart to the new logo is our way of re-instilling faith in love and supporting everyone who believes in the same. After all, there’s someone for everyone and while it’s a little difficult to meet everyone in the world, there’s still Aisle to find the ‘right’ one!

Let us know what you think of our new logo—

