Amba & Raj

Jancy V
Published in
3 min readMay 1, 2019

We will never completely understand the strange nature of love, how one day someone walks into our lives and becomes a long lost yet essential part of it. Amba and Raj’s story is about such a journey.

Raj had recently moved back to India after spending 15 years in the UK. His parents wanted him to settle down and that’s how Raj decided to give Aisle a try. “I wanted to meet someone who shared a similar outlook to life and more importantly someone who understands me.” It was here he came across Amba’s profile.

Amba, an Interior Designer from Jaipur, was pleasantly surprised when she received Raj’s invite. She accepted the Invite three days later and they clicked from the very first message. “We were both curious to know about each other and our initial conversations revolved around my life in the UK and her life in Jaipur. My parents are from South India and they speak Telegu predominantly while Amba was from a Rajput joint family. Amba loves her family dearly but craved to be independent and not be bogged down by age-old traditions her family believed in” Raj adds.

Three months later, Raj decided to visit Jaipur. Amba took the day off work, and after waiting for 7.5 hours, because of a delay in Raj’s flight, the couple met for the first time. The date went exceptionally well, and they realised their feelings for each other were true.

During this visit, Raj also got a chance to meet Amba’s mother. Though Amba’s mother made her mind up to turn down Raj’s proposal, after spending 3 hours talking and getting to know Raj, she changed her mind.

After returning back to Vijayawada, Amba and Raj continued their conversation with her mother’s knowledge. Raj did visit Jaipur a few more times but her family never came around to accept him once they found out. “The differences that they kept bringing up, as much as it mattered to them, were meaningless to us. We didn’t see it as a problem” Raj adds.

For months Amba tried to hopelessly convince her parents about Raj but as time passed the resistance from the family grew stronger. They came to the conclusion that the parents might never agree. Amba finally decided to take things into her hands and after a month of planning, Amba took a flight to Hyderabad without her family’s knowledge. Amba and Raj got married in Arya Samaj the same day in the presence of his parents and few friends.

Amba informed her family after the wedding who at first was upset. After convincing them that the marriage was legitimate, her mother visited her in Vijayawada who saw that Amba was happy in her new found life. Her family eventually came around and decided to have a Rajput style wedding. On 16th December, Amba and Raj had a second wedding in the presence of both families in Jaipur.

It’s been a rollercoaster ride and the couple sometimes feel that all that they’ve been through is very surreal. “I was against getting married a few years back. And then I flew down to India, met Amba and everything that followed was quite filmy. But we are together now, and that’s all that matters” Raj adds. The couple is now eagerly looking forward to moving to a new city and starting their lives together from scratch.

We at Aisle wish this couple the best on this wonderful journey, as they build their new lives together.



Jancy V
Writer for

Storyteller slash Counsellor. Always up for Chai and Conversations. Running on dollops of faith, love & sugar.