Arshi & Jasangad

Tara Maria Mathew
Published in
3 min readDec 25, 2019

The quote, ‘Sometimes what you’re looking for comes when you’re not looking at all’ stands true for Arshi and Jasangad.

My friend asked me to download Aisle, saying that it’s a midway between casual dating apps and matrimonial sites and so I went ahead and downloaded it” says Arshi. Though she had the app on her phone, she never used it. And some years later, when she was working in Pune, her phone ran out of storage and she needed to delete some apps. Just as she was about to delete Aisle, she thought of just opening the app and checking if she’s gotten any messages or requests. And that’s when she came across Jasangad’s message.

Jasangad had a mental checklist and when he saw that Arshi is a Punjabi, lawyer and an Air-Force brat, he just had to send her an Invite.

In his profile, it said that he was a big dog-lover, that he came from an Army background and I was from an Air Force background, and guess what? Even our favourite drinks were the same and we are both Punjabis, so I went ahead and replied” says Arshi.

A month later, Jasangad flew down from Delhi to Pune on February 14, 2018 to meet Arshi. When asked about the first date, Arshi says, “It was a really good date. We went pub-hopping and the first date kind of sealed it for me”.

He was very chivalrous and very well-mannered. He was super polite and the way he was talking, and even small things like pulling out the chair for me or opening the door for me, all of that really impressed me since there aren’t many who do all of those things now, and I was very happy to see that men like him still do exist” says Arshi.

Once they got talking they realised that they have common friends and that even their parents have common friends and so things all worked out in their favour. Arshi told her mother about Jasangad the very next day after meeting him and a month later she told her father too and there were all very pleased about it.

To be honest, I know I am difficult, but Arshi was oblivious to that fact, and was just always there when I needed her, and that’s what made me realise that she is the one” says Jasangad.

I am a hoarder of pillows and love lilies to the core and he got that right. On our second date, he got me the cutest pillows and lilies, and to this day, I am always surrounded by fresh lilies” adds Arshi.

In November 2019, they tied the knot and now look forward to a long and happy life together. “I don’t know what life has in store for us, but I would love to spend it every day with him and travel with him and make a million memories” says Arshi.

Aisle congratulates and wishes Arshi and Jasangad a lifetime of happiness, together!

