Awkward Silences? Top Conversation Starters for First Dates

Soumya John
Published in
3 min readOct 25, 2017

A first date is not the microcosm of a potential relationship. But it is a stepping stone that you cannot avoid! It could be a stressful hurdle, or simply an enjoyable evening with good company, depending on how you choose to approach it.

Take your best self along with you to the date. Don’t be afraid to show your date who you are. Your endearing quirks and unique perspectives are often what will win you that second date. A few topics that could be wonderful conversation stimulants are:

Profession and Career

Speaking about your job is the safest place to start a conversation. It’s so safe that it’s almost boring. With that in mind, don’t spend the entire date talking (or gloating, or whining) about your job.


Travel is a great place to take a first date conversation. It’s exciting, you may discover shared experiences, and it’s a relatively safe way to dream together (with none of the how-many-kids-are-we-gonna’-have creepiness).

Hobbies and Interests

While keeping the conversation light, talking about both your interests is a chance to show each other that little spark within. Allow it to come alive; Nothing is as attractive as someone speaking about the things they love!


Talking about your family and childhood to each other is the easiest way to tell each other who you are and where you come from. Throw in a few funny, relatable anecdotes, and you have your date laughing and enjoying your company before you know it!

The popular belief goes that you need to be as honest as possible on your first date. That’s true! But while being honest is a necessity, oversharing is a real thing and you want to avoid it.

Topics that you should steer clear of are:

Physical Attributes

Everyone likes compliments. But despite your best intentions, talking about someone’s looks the first time you meet them could be perceived as shallow. So it’s best to avoid this.

Beliefs — Religious and Political

While looking for a partner, it’s natural to want someone who shares the same beliefs as you about the bigger things in life. But people’s beliefs are personal and sometimes even private. There needs to be a certain amount of trust established between two people before stepping past that barrier. Beliefs are generally not a first date topic — maybe a second or third date!

Family Planning — Marriage and Children

You don’t need to share that plan with someone who may or may not be a part of it someday. It’s date one. Future planning is a no-go.


Finances are a topic best left to speak about once you become involved with someone and plan to have a future together. Don’t flaunt your wealth or talk about your current lack of savings. It’s not required. And it’s not attractive.


There should be a story you can say about any past relationship in one sentence. That’s the story you take with you to your first date — if the topic comes up. If it doesn’t, don’t bring it up. No one wants to date someone who may still be hung up on an ex. Don’t be that person.

First dates are about getting to relax in each other’s company. It is your chance to break the ice and have some fun. While keeping a few basic pointers in mind, trust yourself and let the conversation lead you where it may. After all, some of the best things happen unexpectedly!



Soumya John
Writer for

Essays on love, loss, healing, mental health and identity. Read more on my IG: