Disha & Nishant

Sneha Suman Anil
Published in
2 min readMar 6, 2019

When you stumble upon your person anywhere in this world, everything falls into place. Everything just seems to work out then. That’s how the story went for Disha and Nishant.

Disha signed up on Aisle in 2016.

I was specifically looking for a serious and long lasting relationship with someone I could see a future with” says Disha, a Doctor in Psychiatry. “As I was looking for something serious, I gave religion, caste and everything else importance as well. When Nishant sent me the invite, he ticked every checkbox and I accepted the Invite.”

“On our first date, we realised that we are very compatible and had similar preferences. It was like everything fell into place” Disha adds.

Their Parents were more than happy to realise that they found each other.

We did not face any issues at all. Everything went smooth. When we broke the news to our parents after dating for about a year, they were ecstatic. They immediately accepted the relationship” Disha adds.

Disha and Nishant got married on the 2nd of December, 2018 in the presence of everyone dear to them.

Disha had written a poem for Nishant while they were dating

“ We met on an aisle, we’ll soon be walking down an aisle..

When we began to converse, first conversations punctuated with nervous silences..

When we interlocked hands, sitting through superhero movies..

When we explored cuisines and each others lives,

When we started reading thoughts and feeling feelings..

When mine became ours, our dream of a life together..

When we fell in love, somewhere between marvel universe and froyoland..

When we now converse, conversations punctuated with comfortable silences..

When I can’t wait to walk down the aisle with you, love..”

Currently, Disha is in Mumbai finishing off her studies, while Nishant is working as an Engineer in Pune. “It’s hard but this arrangement is just for 4 months and so it’s fine”, Disha adds. They can’t wait to get back together and fulfil their all time wish to own a dog together.

Aisle wishes this beautiful couple a lifetime of happiness and love!

