Elizabeth & Sachin

Sneha Suman Anil
Published in
3 min readFeb 6, 2019

Love that holds two together, love that’s cherished, love where the respect for each other increases as the days go by, this is the kind of bond Elizabeth and Sachin share.

Elizabeth signed up on Aisle in 2016 looking for a meaningful relationship that she can have a future with. And she did find her love. Here’s their story in her words.

“Sachin found me on Aisle and sent me an Invite. Knowing that religion would be a big deal for my family, I always kept that as my priority when I received Invites. Sachin’s profile came up with all the checkboxes ticked. The funny thing was, before accepting, I actually took 2 seconds and said to myself — this choice may not work out or he could be the one! I think that was one of the times I actually realised how the choices we make changes perspectives, ideas and maybe even our belief system! And I accepted!” Elizabeth recalls.

“I fell in love with Sachin the moment I realised we were quite different from each other. I am quite loud and expressive (just around my friends though) while he is one of those wise monks. He loves history, I loathed it. He is not much of a talker, neither am I. The way he spoke about Star Wars made me watch all the series back-to-back. I fell in love with the fact that I was learning a lot from him about patience and time. And his dance moves. And his dimple.

We both are quite old school and had shared handwritten letters initially since we couldn’t meet as we were in different cities (he was in Cochin, and I was in Bangalore). We spoke to our parents and even though we had a few hiccups in the beginning, (because we were from different denominations), things eventually straightened out. I can confidently say that because my mom baked her first batch of cookies for her “SON”. We got married on the 1st of July 2018.

I respect him, and I am falling in love with him every day. And he respects me for the decisions I make and for the person I am. I know the word “perfect” seems like a full stop to it, but I love the journey our marriage has taken so far and I’m really excited for what is yet to come. I wouldn’t have learned how to be so mindful and never thought love could grow so much as days pass by. In the end, who would want to be with their own reflection? “

Elizabeth and Sachin are happily married and residing in Mumbai. Even with the hustle and bustle of the big city, they look forward to coming back home and spending time with each other.

Aisle wishes this beautiful couple a lifetime of happiness and love!

