Gayatri & Jamadagni

Jancy V
Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2019

On May 23rd, 2018 they met for the first time. “It felt like we were long lost friends who were catching up after a long time. She said she felt home when she is around me.” They knew they are going to end up together and needless to say, their prediction came true. The couple tied the knot on February 10th, 2019.

I remember it was while watching Mahanati in the theatre was when I received a Rose on Aisle from her. This was a sign that maybe she was interested, so I sent her an Invite. And she accepted. I did connect with few women before, but Gayatri is the first girl from the app I met in person. From very early on in the relationship, our instincts knew we were meant to be. That feeling was quite surreal” Jamadagni admits.

I thought I would wait and talk to her for a few days before asking her out but then to my surprise, she did it first. Before I know it, I was on a date with her. She is extremely frank and speaks her mind no matter what. I just wanted to be with a person whom I can share my deepest thoughts and not be judged. And voila! I found her” Jamadagni recalls.

From the first meeting to falling in love to tying the knot, it’s been a smooth sail. Jamadagni adds, “What I love about us is that whenever we have a fight or have a disagreement it hardly takes a few minutes to a couple of hours to get back to talking to each other. After the first few days of our meeting, she left for Pondicherry. We missed each other and kept texting each other, but felt it wasn’t enough. Even today that feeling doesn’t subside and we crave to be with each other. We are simply inseparable.

Both Jamadagni and Gayatri hail from Hyderabad, though his family had shifted to Kolkata in his childhood. Though they speak the same language, they admit to having their share of differences. “She’s the extrovert and I’m the introvert. While I love reading and gaming, she prefers meeting and talking to people. She initially thought gaming was lame and I am a huge video game nerd. I introduced her to this niche video game culture which is quite different from DOTA and CS. She is slowly learning about gaming and actually enjoying it. On the other hand, she loves travelling and wants to travel as much as possible, and I hated it. I recently found out what a great travel partner she is during our time in Andaman. So maybe travelling isn’t all that bad” Jamadagni adds.

Looking back, the couple felt there were many signs that made it obvious that there were meant to be. “On my birthday, she took me to this breakfast place. Coincidently, the director of the movie Mahanati was sitting on the next table. What are the odds! I went over and introduced myself and Gayatri, and told him that it was while watching his movie that I had met my future wife” Jamadagni recalls.

Aisle wishes them a wonderful journey, as they build their new lives together.



Jancy V
Writer for

Storyteller slash Counsellor. Always up for Chai and Conversations. Running on dollops of faith, love & sugar.