Introducing Circles: Find People Who Love What You Love

Soumya John
Published in
3 min readSep 27, 2017

Here is a scenario: You walk into a new group of five extremely different people. Who among the five is most likely to make you feel comfortable?

It would without a doubt be the one who is most similar to you. Your conversations would probably start over an activity or interest that you both share. If you are continually exposed to this person, and you share a similar wavelength, there is a strong chance of developing a friendship over time. In fact, having the same interests makes it more likely that you would keep meeting.

Now let’s take a look at relationships. It’s often heard that opposites attract. While someone different from you might initially seem exciting, it has been proven that the revved-up, ecstatic state of attraction you feel at first won’t last more than four months to a year. What holds good even after the ‘honeymoon phase’ is a strong friendship.

So looking for a partner isn’t very different from looking for a new friend. Studies show that relationships which last the longest (40+ years) root themselves in friendships, with the couple having a lot in common with each other.

Aisle was created as a platform to bring together like-minded single Indians. We have detailed profiles which include interest meters, allowing the user a chance to tell others about their hobbies and lifestyle. Three years later, we’ve created an avenue on Aisle for users who belong to similar cliques to find each other a lot quicker.

Introducing Circles

All through the history of human beings, we find traces of circles created by man. Circles are a group of people with shared professions, interests or acquaintances. It could be your group of college friends, the professional network you work within, the community you have grown up in, or the folks who motivate you to hit the gym every day.

From friends circles, to community circles, to social circles, we realised that in the physical world people often form their closest relations through this common ground. Which is why we decided to create such spaces on Aisle as well, with our new feature, Circles (beta).

How It Works

On launching the app after login you will be given an option to pick three among Aisle’s 14 Circles. Pick the three which best suit you.

Pet Lovers, Entrepreneurs, Fitness Folk, Party People, Students, Bookworms, DIY Peeps, Spiritualists, Travel Bees, Foodies, Fashionists, Workaholics, Volunteers and Artists are the Circles that you can now pick from.

While on the app, you will see a horizontal list of users who belong to the Circles that you have picked. You will be able to search for users using the same meters as before. Circles are simply an additional feature that you can now use to find the one you are looking for.

Why Use Circles?

Users generally scour through the interest meter to understand how much they share in common with another user. These interests are one of the top reasons why they decide to connect with someone. Circles are a much easier way for a user to find others who share some of their core interests with an equal zest.

Research has shown that couples who spend time invested in common activities develop a bond and a level of understanding that is hard to rival. Even a while into the relationship, when the initial spark may fizzle, having new experiences together helps rekindle the passion. So having a partner who enjoys the same kind of activities and takes interest in the same communities that you do goes a long way.

We’ve created Circles, hoping that Aisle members find it easier than ever before to meet like-minded individuals on a virtual platform. Upgrade to the latest version of the app to pick your Circles and enjoy the new feature.



Soumya John
Writer for

Essays on love, loss, healing, mental health and identity. Read more on my IG: