Kavya & Abhiram

Nisha Ravi
Published in
3 min readAug 1, 2017

“Souls tend to go back to who feels like home.”

-N.R. Hart

When Abhiram keyed in his preferences on Aisle in a partner, she didn’t show up. And yet, love and the universe has a way to make soulmates meet. And at just another occasion of randomly browsing he saw her. It was magical. Love at first sight is nearly a perfect phrase to describe how he felt about her.

Abhiram was on the app for a while but chose to get off it as soon as his parents began receiving proposals. It was time to find a bride for him and he didn’t think an online platform would do justice to his needs. But then looking at the prospects he was faced with a dilemma.

“How can I choose who I want to spend the rest of my life with in just 10 minutes”, he told his parents.

He decided to give Aisle another shot and got back on the app, on his birthday eve in December last year. Despite her not fitting in his preferences based advanced search, he chanced upon her profile, as luck would have it. It was the time Aisle had just launched the Instagram feature and he looked through her Instagram profile and just knew she was the one. She being a Yoga instructor would understand the discipline in routine and life, a fitness freak like himself adheres to. He didn’t think it would be possible to meet a woman who could be everything he dreamt of but there she was, an invite away! He sent her an invite and she accepted it within the next 20 minutes. After about 10 minutes of chatting on the app, they switched to a phone call. A few weeks later they met.

However, by the second meeting it felt like things were fizzling out a little bit. Their initial spark was waning. They chatted once in awhile but neither thought it was going anywhere. Both of them are sports fanatics and it was their common love for badminton that paved a brand new road for their love. When Abhiram told Kavya he was going to play badminton one weekend, she requested to join him. There were weekends where they would meet to play and this led to a new start.

They began meeting and cupid had struck again! Not many people are lucky to have a second chance at things in life but this beautiful couple was fortunate enough to make one for themselves. They met more often and found love in their mutual love for dosa and filter coffee. Not even Abhiram’s love for poha and Kavya’s hatred for it, could sever the ties that was forming now.

One night after a date, they said goodnight to each other via text. “The goodnight was the beginning of a life changing conversation”, reminisces Abhiram. They spoke way past midnight and admitted their love to each other. It was a beautiful moment for both of them.

Soon they got their parents involved. “I was almost hoping for a filmy showdown but none of that happened! They loved Kavya right away!”, he said, slightly amazed. Then it was only a matter of the parents meeting a month later. Everything went well and now this wonderful couple is ready to tie the knot in August this year!

Team Aisle congratulates and wishes Kavya and Abhiram a lifetime of happiness, together.



Nisha Ravi
Writer for

Essays on people I love, travel, dogs and sometimes food.