Megha & Shreyas

Meera Anil
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2020

In spite of the experiences that we both had, we never gave up the hope of finding love… and it paid off” explains Megha.

After I was officially separated in 2016, I wanted time for myself and wasn’t looking for a partner. But when my dad passed away, I felt I had to fulfil his wish of seeing me married again. So I started trying out traditional sites, which I found was too formal for my taste, and dating apps turned out to be way too casual. And that’s when I came across an ad for Aisle. On the other hand, it was a friend who introduced the app to Shreyas.

Shreyas sent me the first Invite on the app. There was something about his profile the catch being that he was from Pune, I accepted it. Although I hail from Delhi, I had studied in Pune and fell in love with that place. We started talking but I wasn’t sure because of the distance.” adds Megha. But for Shreyas, who had come across Megha’s profile,“ I couldn’t resist sending an Invite. I felt as if I was reading my own bio. We had a lot in common and to add to that she is pretty”, he chuckles, “I didn’t expect her to accept my Invite. But she did and we started talking. I was constantly checking my phone for her messages but about 10 days into our conversation she messaged me, saying that since it was long-distance she doesn’t see it going any further. I was taken aback, but I accepted it.”

A few months, Megha’s Facebook profile popped up on Shreyas’ suggestion list since he knew a college friend of hers. So he sent her a friend request. “Out of nowhere, in October, he sent me a request on Facebook. It took me by surprise. I messaged him asking if there was any reason why he was reaching out to me. His reply was a huge paragraph that spoke about second chances, asking me if I was willing to give the relationship the second chance. There was something about what he wrote, the way he wrote, I just remember smiling while I was reading it” smiles Megha.

Once they started talking, they realized that they shared a lot in common. “We are both fascinated by spiritualism and love talking about it. Our conversations would go on for hours. Another passion we share is travelling. We had even covered a few common places like, she was working in Germany for a while and that’s where I went for my first solo trip. We kept taking 1-day trips around the city. Being the big time foodies that we are, we put on weight after being committed to each other” chuckles Megha.

It took them a month to meet each other. “I planned the trip to Pune. He surprised me at the airport with flowers, took me out to eat Dabeli, which I missed during my stay in Delhi. But all the while, he was quiet. I kept poking him, literally with my finger asking what’s up with him, he still wouldn’t speak.” chuckles Megha. “I redid my entire wardrobe for our first date. But when I met her, I was tongue-tied. She was comfortable with me and kept trying to put me at ease” adds Shreyas. “I still tease him about it” smirks Megha.

After the first meeting, they kept travelling between states to meet at least once a month. Even if it was for a day, Shreyas decided that they had to spend the New Year together and surprised Megha by flying to Delhi. “We realized it was time for us to take it to our family. I had to travel to the US for work and I spoke to my parents, just before that. So did Megha. I met with her family after I came back. Then they came down to visit my family and everything just fell into place. Things have been very crazy ever since. I had to shift Banglore, she decided to take a transfer and join me. It’s really exciting”. With both their families elated about them finding each other, the couple tied the knot on the 2nd January 2020.

Aisle congratulates and wishes Megha and Shreyas a lifetime of happiness, together.

