Pavani & Ravindra

Tara Maria Mathew
Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2019

“Can you believe it? He was my first connection on Aisle!” Pavani recalls. Her friend had heard about Aisle and had asked Pavani to download it. “I randomly read all the profiles and I genuinely didn’t think I’ll like any, but when I read what Ravindra had written about himself, I really liked it. I was very hesitant to Like his profile but my friend told me to just go for it and so I did it” adds Pavani.

Meanwhile, Ravindra at the time was grabbing every opportunity that was coming his way. “My sister suggested that I try Aisle out and I was on it for a year,” says Ravindra. He doesn’t believe in what people say in their bios and believes in talking to a person, meeting them and then figuring out if they interest you. So when he saw Pavani’s interest in him, he readily Liked her back and then messaged her to get to know her.

“I freaked out when I saw his message because suddenly it had become all too real. It took 2 days for me to gather up the courage to reply. We started talking and in 2–3 days I felt that this was someone I could have a partnership with and which is why I continued talking to him” says Pavani. “We started talking, and somewhere we clicked. She was on the same page about relationships, marriage and so on” adds Ravindra.

After texting for a couple of weeks, they met for the first time in July. “I made sure that I selected a place that was completely about food since we are foodies. She fell in love with the dish I ordered for her and we spoke for almost one solid hour only about food” says Ravindra. “I didn’t know that I would like broccoli so much and we bonded mainly over food,” says Pavani. “And I don’t think anybody would ever discuss broccoli for that long” Ravindra adds jokingly.

Being brought up in Hyderabad, and having similar living environments made them connect very easily. Both of them wanted to find a partner on their own and meet them and figure out if they are right for them.

“I still remember, on our second date I was being very flirtatious and the way she was responding to me, I knew that this was the girl for me. The way I was talking and behaving with her is how I truly am, and she could accept me for that and was even entertained by me!” says Ravindra. “I could talk about anything and everything with him and he made me feel very comfortable” adds Pavani.

In the first week of August, when they were sure about this and wanted to take the relationship to the next level, they slowly told their families.”They were hesitant at first but they saw how sure I was and then they were okay with it” says Pavani. The couple is set to tie the knot in December 2019 and are busy with the preparations.

Aisle wishes this beautiful couple a lifetime of happiness and love!

