Sneh & Nitin

Shreenit Shahapurkar
Published in
5 min readOct 4, 2017

They say ‘Sometimes, someone comes into your life so unexpectedly, takes your heart by surprise and changes your life forever.’ Life has a funny way of bringing people together. Things happen when we least expect it and the best things in life come rather unannounced. Sneh never expected that her life would change forever when she met the person, whom she now calls her best friend, travel buddy and life partner.

From where it all started..

Sneh’s tryst with love didn’t start until this August. She was already running a startup incubated under IIT Delhi earlier this year when she came across Aisle. Being a workaholic, she always believed in bringing the best to the table. Unfortunately, that also meant that she hardly ever had time for herself nor did she have the time to think of a person who would accompany her in her journey. Rushing through the bustling noise of the city and chaos, she would often find herself searching for something in which she could find solace. Something that was fulfilling to her soul, something that meant magic and something she could just call ‘home’.

She kept working and endured through her journey of attempting to make a difference. She always wanted to fulfil her wish of traveling the world and having new experiences that she could cherish for a lifetime. After her startup stint in August, she got into freelancing and took up new projects. Being the miracle worker that she was, she still couldn’t find time for herself and things that mattered to her. After suggestions and persuasion from her dearest friend, who also incidentally found her life partner on Aisle, she finally decided that she had to take matters into her own hands and reclaim her life. She had already lost hope in dating apps as she had never met anyone who was on the same frequency as her or shared the same vibes and approach to life. The app just sat there on her phone, waiting for an opportunity to spark. A few days after talking to two men on Aisle, she was starting to feel dejected and thought it was best to give up on the dream of a cherished love story.

While things on Sneh’s end looked at an all-time low, Nitin- whose aura always projected a sense of positivity, was feeling equally dejected that maybe finding love was not his cup of tea. Nitin was already down to his last Invite on Aisle as he had tried to connect with two other members but it was all in vain. It wasn’t until Nitin stumbled across Sneh’s profile by accident that he sent an invite request to connect with her.

It was already the third day and Sneh was close to giving up on love when she received Nitin’s request to connect. There was only so much Nitin could express in 500 characters and he chose to do it in shorthand! Shorthand was something that Sneh was never quite fond of. Except, this was different, Sneh felt a sense of maturity, a sense of simplicity and kindness, much like something that she never came across. It was like the interlinking forces of the universe at that exact moment, that everything they did or chose, led to this moment.

“I still remember the first time I spoke to him. Our chats turned into phone calls and we couldn’t stop talking to each other. Even though we were in different states, we shared the sunrise together for the first time.”

Late night chats, laugh riots and endless stories, it all fell in place like a jigsaw puzzle. Their conversations were always so effortless that they never had a moment when they were unsure of what to talk. Texts turned into phone calls, phone calls turned into potential meetings and days later, Nitin was already at her door to finally see her. Sneh couldn’t contain her excitement when she saw him for the first time. Being a strong-willed and a no-nonsense lady, Nitin was the first guy who made her blush till her cheeks turned red! After spending a lot of time together, Nitin finally confessed that he had fallen for her and wanted to define the relationship. Sneh was overjoyed at this but her reaction to it was priceless and probably set the course for the future.

“Screw love, let’s get married!”

That was the exact reaction that Sneh had when Nitin confessed his love to her. Overjoyed, they couldn’t contain their excitement. It was at that moment when they finally knew what they wanted in their lives. Unfortunately, Nitin had to return back for the time being to his life back in Mumbai and Sneh, back to her life in Delhi.

Like every love story, this was not the end. Life had much more in store for this couple who had just found love. Nitin started his journey back to Bombay with a heavy heart but he knew his heart desired much more than he could fathom. As he landed at Mumbai Airport, with cold hands and a throbbing heart, he called up Sneh. ‘Let’s get married, Sneh! We’re already planning a trip to Iceland in December, Iceland could be our honeymoon!’. Sneh’s happiness knew no bounds but she was afraid that it was happening all too soon. Nitin was very supportive and made sure that Sneh did not feel pressurized by this decision. Endless nights, constantly ruminating over coffee, Sneh thought to herself ‘Why am I even waiting!?’ And the rest was history.

“Everyone questioned us the same thing. It’s all happening so fast but I’ve been saying the same thing to everyone who asked. ‘It feels like home. I know this is the person I want to be with. He’s like my best friend!”

And today..

After their families met each other, they couldn’t have been happier for both of them. It was finally a dream come true. They’re finally getting hitched on the 31st of October this year. They came to a mutual decision that they wanted to have a court marriage and then explore the world together. Being avid fans of traveling and backpacking, Sneh and Nitin are finally looking at their first trip together as a couple. Used to being solo travellers, they have finally found their solace in each other and there’s so much they have to look forward to!

“He once asked me, ‘What is romance to you? I told him, ‘It’s not about the fancy dinners, buying a Tiffany ring or going on a knee to propose. It’s about the feeling. Imagine this, If we’re throwing a get-together. Calling friends over for wine and dinner, everyone’s busy and having a good time. In that moment, you look up to check on me. That’s romance to me..”

Team Aisle congratulates and wishes Sneh and Nitin a lifetime of happiness together.

