Tamasa & Somnath

Jancy V
Published in
4 min readOct 2, 2019

A blog post was what convinced Somnath to try Aisle out. “When I saw Tamasa’s profile on Aisle, the first thing I noticed is that she is really beautiful. I remember running to my sister’s room and showing her the profile. I told her this is the kind of woman I wanted to bring home as my wife. My sister just responded that she’s out of my league, but to still give it a shot” Somnath recollects.

A week after connecting on Aisle, the couple met for the first time. “She wasn’t feeling too great one day and said she felt like having ice cream. So I invited her to Corner House. I was awestruck by how beautiful she is. We went to Hamley’s after that and I bought her a cute little teddy. After that I thought I’d impress her by taking her to a fine dining restaurant called Samarkhand. Once we reached there, I realised that my favourite burger place Peppa Zzing is also just across the street. So I asked her if she wanted kebabs or burgers, and she said burgers. That pretty much sealed the deal for me” Somnath exclaims.

They discovered how similar they are and bonded over their interest in photography, traveling, food, Marvel and Friends, to name a few.

Somnath invited her home to meet her sister and Tamasa also had to eventually tell her family about him. “I usually tell my mom everything. She’s like my best friend and I had told her that he is just a friend. Before going to meet Somnath, he insisted that it wouldn’t be a date. But when I came back home that evening, I had red roses, a teddy bear and a Cadbury Silk in my hand. My mom was convinced Somnath liked me. And to be honest, this “friends” thing was just a facade, he was hitting on me the whole time” she jokes. Her mom insisted on meeting this “friend” and so they met Somnath and his sister for dinner. Later, the parents spoke and met each other during Durga Puja in Bangalore.

I knew our relationship is heading in the direction of marriage and my parents wouldn’t say no. So I was raving about her in front of them. I had even made a spreadsheet on the possible dates that we could have the wedding on. So when the parents met, they had no choice but to talk about marriage” Somnath gleefully adds.

Funny thing is, I wasn’t there the second day the parents met and fixed dates. Later when I got to his place, he casually asked me- by the way do you know the wedding is fixed for March 8th? I didn’t know what to say, so I just responded with a Congratulations” Tamasa laughs. After a beautiful wedding in Meerut, the couple went to Vietnam for their honeymoon. Even after a year of togetherness they believe that their love for each other hasn’t decreased.

I’m not a cliché romantic, but everything that happened in our relationship is so dramatic that Karan Johar could make a movie on it. We wrote handwritten letters to each other and exchange it when we met. We still do that, he wrote me a letter two days back while in office. He knows how I like my coffee, how much sugar I need in it, what to do when I am sick. There are things I’ve always wanted growing up, and now there are special places for that at home, like a bookshelf filled with all my favourite books he’s gifted, a shelf with all the Game of Throne mugs…I find romance in small things like these” Tamasa adds.

Aisle wishes this beautiful couple all the love, happiness and togetherness forever.



Jancy V
Writer for

Storyteller slash Counsellor. Always up for Chai and Conversations. Running on dollops of faith, love & sugar.