The Secret Behind Amazing First Dates

Jancy V
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2017

Why do we always restrict ourselves to cafes or bars for a cliched first date?

The dating period is presumably the most crucial time for couples who are trying to give a name to their relationship. For couples who’ve met online, this is the time you see the person in the real world; find out who they are, what they like and what they don’t. People judge how comfortable they are with each other through these dates and the next meeting will be based on how well your last one went.

Yes, one can always expect a positive result while playing a safe bet, in this instance choosing a neutral location like a cafe to meet each other. But one too many first dates over a nice meal or a couple of drinks, begins to lose its essence over time. That’s where your creativity needs to step in.

You would ask, why?

Reason 1: Time, Distance and Gender no bar

The transition from absolute thinking to being more fluid about what we like and don’t has led to a lot of improvisation in the way millennials perceive and interact with the outside world. We no longer limit ourselves to date someone who belongs to the same social circle, class or even religion to some extent. Both men and women equally step it up when it comes to wooing their partner and showering them with gifts and compliments. Matters of the heart needn’t be expressed only through letters that would take forever to be delivered and answered, we can now send a hundred messages in an hour at no cost. While men and women in general have different outlooks on life, we noticed on Aisle there wasn’t much of a distinction when it came to their top Interests. Both genders chose Travel, Music and Cinema as preferred choice of activities.

Reason 2: We all want the same things

People today are open to exploring the world beyond what is known to them and experience something that is foreign to them, irrespective of their gender. Even if you prefer metal, rock or carnatic music and have your own favourite artists or bands, you can still get excited about a jazz or indie concert playing in your neighborhood.

However, wouldn’t it be a little more fun to find someone who loves what you love?

Reason 3: We find meaning in others

Millennials distinguish themselves from the older generations by their hobbies, preferences, spending habits, personal values, personalities and the general outlook on life. They share a higher emotional bond with the world around them when compared to any other generations in the past. Most of their life decisions are based on interests they are passionate about. From career choices to who gets to be in our social circles, our interests determine what (or who) stays in our life or gets dumped. It comes as no surprise that even in matters of the heart, people are inclined to choose a person with whom they share a common interest. For the urban youth of today, compatibility is as important as chemistry. For a relationship to grow stronger it’s not just the initial spark that matters; it is also dependent on what they enjoy doing together.

So why go mediocre when you can be extraordinary?

Being creative with your date plans is like adding that secret ingredient to an amazing dish- it just makes everything go from good to WOW! When you make these plans based on what your partner enjoys, it shows that you are ready to go that extra mile for them (more brownie points). You don’t just prove to your date that you are thoughtful, fun and sensitive to their needs but also show that you are very serious about this relationship.

Go ahead and plan something unexpected for your next date. It could be a picnic, a home cooked dinner, movie marathons, exploring the city together, or maybe take a class of dancing or pottery together. Plan activities that you’d both love. For what it’s worth, you’d have much more to talk about than over a couple of drinks!



Jancy V
Writer for

Storyteller slash Counsellor. Always up for Chai and Conversations. Running on dollops of faith, love & sugar.