Vijayalakshmi & Sudarshan

Meera Anil
Published in
4 min readNov 27, 2019

It was by chance that Vijayalakshmi and Sudarshan found each other on Aisle. “One of my friends suggested the app, I am not a big fan of casual dating so I was reluctant at first, but my family had already started searching for a guy for me, and I was not too keen on it. So after a lot of reflection, I decided to give it a try” Vijayalakshmi recollects. While on the other hand, Sudarshan, a writer and director, ended up making the profile on Aisle just to give company to a friend who wanted to test the waters.

Hailing from a Tambram family, Vijayalakshmi was clear about what she was looking for, “I specifically searched for guys in Chennai as I wasn’t keen about a long-distance relationship. I have to meet the person to have some sort of connection with him.” Going through the feed, she stumbled across Sudarshan’s profile, “He looked really cute in his pictures, I was also impressed with the hair on his head, but apart from the photos, the profile was empty and it just made me want to reach out even more. So I sent him an Invite”.

For Sudarshan, the Invite was a pleasant surprise, “When I saw her Invite and browsed through her profile, she looked adorable in her pictures, sounded smart in her profile and I connected with her”. Over the next few days, they spent hours on the phone and finally decided to meet. “I am not comfortable in confining myself to a small area, like a coffee shop or a restaurant. So I suggested that we go to the beach, she loved the idea. We talked for hours, took a stroll around, we were relaxed and ended up having a lot of fun” recalls Sudarshan. “It became our spot” adds Vijayalakshmi.

Once they were sure about each other, they decided to inform their family. “My family was apprehensive in the beginning but after they met Sudarshan for the first time, they really liked him… They still do!” Vijayalakshmi chuckles. “Vijayalakshmi visited my mom when she was ill. My mom had no clue as to who she was cause I had never mentioned her name before. Looking back, it was crazy because, from my mother’s point of view, she was practically talking to a stranger and feeling comfortable at the same time. It was after Vijayalakshmi left the hospital, my mom asked me who she was!” Sudarshan chuckles.

Both were very clear about having a functional wedding. “We had our wedding in June of 2017. Having planned our wedding ourselves, we did not focus on the noise and the frills. We decided to not have a reception and instead use the money for our trip to Prague, Vienna, and Budapest. It’s become sort of our thing, we make sure that we travel out every year. I love traveling and I make it a point to explore every city on foot as much as possible… We have done 10 countries so far. The first trip was actually an eye-opener for her, she didn’t know what she was getting into. She walked for 10 to 12km the first day. She wasn’t prepared for that, but after the first day she got used to it and gradually she started enjoying it. We ended up doing a lot more than we planned by going around on foot” Sudarshan laughs.

Sudarshan is an ardent dog lover who has managed to pull Vijayalakshmi into his routine of feeding streeties. “I wasn’t a huge fan of dogs, but gradually our dog, Tofu, has become a huge part of my life. From being a person who was scared to touch a dog, now I talk to them as if they are babies. Even my family was shocked about the change” chuckles Vijayalakshmi. “Both of us are very different people. We always make sure we travel halfway to meet at a midpoint when our opinions differ. We consider each other as individuals and both of us have an equal voice in any decision that we make. We believe it helps us grow, both as an individual and as a team. Luck by chance brought us together but we made a fairytale out of it” says Vijayalakshmi.

Aisle wishes this beautiful couple all the love, happiness and togetherness forever.

