What Women Really Want

Nisha Ravi
Published in
4 min readApr 12, 2017

Every guy out there, that I know, has at least once in his lifetime, flung his hands up in the air, utterly exasperated and said the following

“I don’t know what you women want man! I just don’t know!!”

It’s true. They don’t. And women are sort of difficult to understand sometimes.

Take it from me.

This is the same me who argues about women’s rights and chants the whole I can pay my share, I am independent. I am also the first one that gets angry when you talk about the length of my skirt and establish that I can’t take the cab back home at 1 am because, independence.

We may just be PMSing and that may really be the reason why we are losing our shit but the minute you ask me if I am PMSing, I am going to fly off the handle and serve your head on a platter.

All of the above may be a little bit of an exaggeration, but it was only done in jest to put a point across.

I know. I know we are downright annoying and get on your last nerve sometimes.


Forgive us.

But hear us out.

We have a ton going on in our heads. For women, it has been drilled down that trying to be fair and slim and more beautiful than your beautiful neighbour is crucial. If not by some of our slightly liberal parents then at least by relatives or friends. At this very time we are a battle within ourselves between liberal and conservative and hence the muddle. My mother is this ultra modern working mom but she has a problem with me wearing short clothes, getting tattoos and staying out late (read after 7pm). Who’d think?

I am constantly wondering whether I want to be that girlfriend that wakes up each morning to make my boyfriend a piping hot cup of coffee or the other way round. And this confusion leads to me being the nicest girlfriend for a few days and the other days I am unleashing my satan on him before he is fully awake, by demanding coffee and love.

And about PMSing, yes it is a real thing and you must Google it. It does trigger mood swings but hey, five days a month, is not too much to ask from a non-suffering gender counterpart is it?

You get it right? I mean I don’t know. I am confused about what I like because I have been taught to be one thing and my heart tells me to do another.

When you ask me what I want to eat, I genuinely don’t know. I am not a conniving indecisive who is waiting for you to point at the wrong restaurant so that it upsets me.

When you assume that me having a soft corner for all puppies in the streets also translates to me being weak emotionally. And somehow this further translates to you can’t change the bulb because you are weak. That’s a little unfair no? I am emotionally sensitive and that’s a whole different thing from being weak.

You think I have a lot of fun being confused each morning deciding the outfit of the day? I hate it more than you ever will. But let’s talk about patriarchy and I have been made to believe that taking that extra effort each morning, to look presentable is what a good woman should do. And I detest every moment of it.

What do women really want?

A little bit of understanding and a whole lot more tolerance than you normally give. We are wired up way differently in comparison to you. I know teal is just blue and nobody cares. But for our hyper-sensitive minds, these differences are huge. Can you have slight regard for that?

Also, could you make coffee some mornings? Then I will be guilt ridden into making the next batch.

There will be days I will be hopping around excited about even taking the trash out but some days, I may realllllly not feel like attending your friend’s birthday bash. Bear with me?

There will be plenty of days I will build the quickest mound of rejected clothes on the bed. You could help me pick something, maybe?

Here’s the real deal, nobody quite knows why women behave a certain way and why men behave a certain way. But what is essential to understand is that we need to coexist and that may become a little bit difficult if men don’t try to understand women at all. And yet there is no scientific explanation to what you need to understand but you just must.

In the midst of feminism bashing patriarchy and vice versa, in the midst of modern bashing traditional and in the midst of rebellion bashing conventional, women are tossing around mostly uncertain and confused.

If we were indeed all alike where’d the fun be?



Nisha Ravi
Writer for

Essays on people I love, travel, dogs and sometimes food.