How the project team is formed in AIS Novations

Tatyana Koneva
AIS Novations
Published in
2 min readJul 29, 2019

In AIS Novations, each project has its own team. So the developers are better immersed into your product and are not distracted by extraneous tasks. We’ve decided to tell you how the project team is formed and what the choice of specialists depends on

How we form a team for a project

The project team meets after the contract is signed. It’s great if the customer didn’t give up on the business analysis stage (we’ve already told why it’s better not to), because having a specification will simplify the process

So, how do we put together a project team

  1. PM is assigned — the project manager, which is selected depending on the load. PM is the link between the customer and the team, it will monitor the execution of tasks and meeting deadlines
  2. Depending on what technology stack will be used, developers are chosen — specialists who know the necessary languages ​​and tools
  3. We also look at the programmer’s workload, is he busy with other projects?
  4. The wishes of employees are also considered. If any developer wants to work with selected technologies or gain experience in a particular area, we evaluate its capabilities and make a decision

And a few more nuances

We have several offices in Belarus and one in Russia, therefore members of one project team may be located in different cities. But this does not cause difficulties, because over 11 years of work we have clearly built business processes

In addition to the developers, the team includes designers, layout designers and testers. The number of specialists is unlimited and depends on the complexity of the product. If something goes wrong and the customer wants to change someone in the project team, we do it

