The design of everyday things. Design thinking

Aliaksandr Kantsevoi
Published in
1 min readMar 20, 2024

Here I provide my thoughts that popped up during the reading of the forth chapter “Design thinking” from “The Design of everyday things” book.
It has some practical suggestions but I’m trying to get some universal principles, not the exact techniques. From this perspective this chapter is very similar to the previous one “Human error? No, bad design”

Key take aways

  • never solve the problem I’m asked to solve
    — I can use it as a starting point however

Don’t “trust”

This chapter had lots of concrete examples “from the field” or even techniques. If I can transform it into something universal and concrete that would be similar to the previous chapter “Human error? No, bad design”: don’t stop on the first “suitable” or reasonable idea or way of solving the problem. Even don’t stop on the first obvious problem. Always try to dig deeper in order to understand what the real issue is.
Don’t trust the first words, people might stuck into one idea and not realize that they have another prioritized problem

