Connect the dots: get real business results in new markets with Facebook ads

Aitarget Tech
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2020

Aitarget helped developers of Two Dots double ad spend and drive 8x increase in International Geo segmentation without hiring additional media buyers.

Testing any move into a new geography is always risky; it requires additional human resources and time to analyse the results and change settings across multiple campaigns.

Two Dots, an award-winning and popular puzzle app for iOS and Android, faced this challenge. New York-based gaming studio Dots wanted to grow their spend in non-US territories by increasing the level of segmentation in their international campaigns.

To achieve this, Dots were searching for a solution that could help them save resources while making reasonable investments, track any changes in their campaigns without the need for constant control, and still have signals to react immediately.

Jonathan Juhn, UA Manager at Dots:
Our primary automation goal was to improve the scalability of our campaign management operations without hiring additional managers. This ultimately allows us to efficiently increase spend through better-segmented international campaigns.

The company found its solution with Aitarget Tools.

Core indicators

The gaming studio optimizes toward users who are most likely to make in-app purchases. They used a mobile measurement platform, Adjust, to evaluate performance and optimize campaigns.

So first, Aitarget integrated the Adjust platform into their Tool and adopted the gaming studio’s key metrics into the Facebook ad campaigns. These adjustments enabled the Aitarget Tool to track these custom metrics that were important for the client’s business within their cohorted reporting dimensions.

Diana Safina, Client Solutions Manager at Aitarget:
Our primary goal as a partner is to enable our clients to work on Facebook whatever business model they may have. Integration with other data platforms allows us to gather different metrics in one dashboard and change campaign settings on Facebook in real time. The goal that we all were facing with Two Dots was pretty challenging — we’ve never done it before. The Two Dots team has a fantastic experience and knowledge of working on Facebook, so the communication and the research was more than exciting. We are looking forward to working on new achievements with Two Dots!

Automation of success

After integrating the necessary data, Dots worked with AItarget to build and implement automations.

The Aitarget team studied deep strategies used by Dots. Аfter many discussions, the automations strategies were created. They are still running.

ROAS-based rules were designed to determine bid increase or decrease action. Dots utilized internal LTV projections to build custom bid management rules for T1 international markets. Aitarget’s rules platform allowed confidence in scaling spend across several new markets without worrying about time and operational costs.

This has resulted in an 8x increase in International campaigns and more than 2x increase in international spend.

Jonathan Juhn, UA Manager at Dots:

In addition to the main automated rules solution, we get a lot of feedback and discussions about possible improvements of the automated rules logic we developed. The support from the Aitarget team has been really fantastic — they are creative, logical, and very sharp. What we like about Aitarget the most is that they are a reliable partner who can understand smarter media buying opportunities and will develop completely new solutions to support those initiatives.

It is impossible to track all the changes in the campaign manually, yet the client wanted to understand which automation rule works better and which ad set triggers it the most.

To examine how the automations were performing, Aitarget developers have designed and built reports that more granularly measure which aspects of spend rules were underperforming or were not being utilized.

Jonathan Juhn, UA Manager at Dots:
“Because of Aitarget, we were able to increase our number of managed campaigns, expand to new territories, and scale spend on Facebook without hiring extra media buyers or sacrificing performance. Our ad spend doubled, achieved by increasing Geo segmentation by eight times. We recommend Aitarget tools for e-commerce and m-commerce, and for mobile gaming clients that are looking to scale their Facebook operation without hiring new media buyers.”



Aitarget Tech

Aitarget Tech is a paid social platform for dynamic ads and personalized videos at scale.