AI and Community Art

AI Token Tales
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2023

how AI represents an opportunity to create Art together ?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been challenging our traditional notions of creativity and the artist’s role. In the previous article, we explored the role of human curation in elevating AI-generated art pieces to works of art with personal expression and cultural relevance. In this follow-up article, we will explore another aspect of AI in the art world: its potential for creating community art.

Community art is a collaborative and participatory approach to making art that involves the community in the creative process. It is an opportunity for people to come together and express themselves creatively, building relationships and fostering a sense of belonging. AI can offer an exciting new tool for creating community art, allowing people to collaborate in ways that were previously impossible.

One example of AI and community art is the “A.I. Exquisite Corpse” project by Google Arts & Culture. The project is inspired by the surrealist game of exquisite corpse, in which a group of people collaborates to create a drawing or a text, each person adding to what the previous person had created without seeing the whole. In this project, an AI algorithm is used to generate a different part of a portrait, which is then combined with the contributions of other participants. The result is a collective, AI-generated artwork that represents the contributions of a diverse group of people.

Another example is the “Artie” app, which allows people to create collaborative drawings using AI. The app provides a base drawing, and users can add to it by drawing on their mobile devices. The AI algorithm then analyzes the lines and forms of the drawing and generates a new drawing based on the user’s input. The result is a collaborative artwork that represents the contributions of the users and the AI algorithm.

Furthermore, the “AICAN” project by Rutgers University uses AI to create art inspired by the styles of different artists. The project involves a collaborative process between the AI algorithm and the artist, where the artist provides feedback and guidance to the algorithm. The result is a collaborative artwork that represents the contributions of both the AI algorithm and the human artist.

In conclusion, AI represents an exciting opportunity for creating community art. By allowing people to collaborate in ways that were previously impossible, AI can enable the creation of collective artworks that represent the contributions of a diverse group of people. Moreover, AI can offer a tool for artists to collaborate with, providing new insights and ideas for their creative processes. As AI continues to develop and integrate into the art world, it will be interesting to see how artists and communities can use this technology to create new forms of collaborative art that reflect our diverse and dynamic society.

