Is AI a new Artist or a new Brush ?

AI Token Tales
Published in
3 min readApr 20, 2023

A question that has been debated by artists and critics alike…

Artificial intelligence (AI) has opened up new possibilities in the art world, challenging our traditional notions of creativity and the artist’s role. However, as AI-generated art continues to proliferate, a fundamental question arises: Is AI a new artist or a new brush?

The answer is not straightforward, as it depends on how we define art and creativity. While AI can generate new and original pieces of artwork, it lacks the subjective experience that is often associated with human creativity. Nevertheless, the role of human curation can elevate AI-generated art pieces from mere visualizations to pieces of art with personal expression and cultural relevance.

One example of AI-generated art curated by humans is “The Next Rembrandt,” a project by ING Bank and Dutch advertising agency J. Walter Thompson Amsterdam. The project used AI algorithms to analyze Rembrandt’s style and create a new, original portrait in his style. The final artwork was then curated and displayed in an exhibition, showcasing the potential of AI as a tool for artists and the importance of human curation in the process.

Another example is “Memorabilia,” a project by artist Sougwen Chung that explores the relationship between humans and machines. The project involves a robotic arm that draws a live portrait of the artist, while an AI algorithm analyzes the lines and forms of the drawing and generates a new portrait. The final artwork is a collaboration between the artist, the robot, and the AI algorithm, demonstrating the potential of AI as a creative tool in collaboration with human artists.

Furthermore, the AI art collective “Obvious” has gained international attention for their AI-generated artwork. Their artwork “Portrait of Edmond de Belamy” sold for $432,500 at Christie’s in 2018, demonstrating the growing interest and recognition of AI-generated art in the art world. However, it is important to note that the collective acknowledges the role of human curation in the process, selecting and curating the final artwork from the output generated by the AI algorithm.

In conclusion, the question of whether AI is a new artist or a new brush is complex and depends on how we define creativity and the artist’s role. AI-generated art can be novel and original, but it lacks the subjective experience that is often associated with human creativity. However, the role of human curation is crucial in elevating AI-generated art pieces to works of art with personal expression and cultural relevance. As AI continues to develop and integrate into the art world, it will be interesting to see how the relationship between AI and human artists evolves, and how they can collaborate to create new forms of art.

AI can be seen as both a new artist and a new brush, but its potential is best realized when humans curate the creative process. Together, humans and AI can create unique and meaningful art that represents our diverse society.

