Still Struggling with A-Level Maths?

AITutor Mathematics
Published in
4 min readFeb 3, 2019

Let’s admit it. Maths is hard. Even when you think you understand it, it manages to surprise you.

Picture this:

You’re stuck on an intense past paper question and you need to check the solutions. Let’s assume you managed to find it in your school bag or crawling through the internet. Let’s also assume they don’t just skip the part you got stuck on. You read the solution and you finally understand it a little. Now what? Do you just move on to the next question? Will you let that question slowly evaporate away from your memory? How do you know if you actually understood it?

Ideally there would be a way to practise a similar question but with different numbers. Ideally each question would also have a beautiful step by step solution in case you got stuck again. Maybe there could be videos on parts of the question you get stuck on.

Imagine if something could track everything you get wrong and right and tells you how good you are. Maybe it could even generate Edexcel or AQA exam-like past papers and tell you the time in seconds it took you to answer that integration by parts question compared to that hard differentiation one.

Surely in these modern times where we have self-driving cars, drones, and orange presidents, there must be a place for you to practise A-Level maths over and over again… Surely? 🤔

Nope sorry there isn’t. The End.

Oooonly kidding. It exists and it’s called AITutor.

AITutor Dashboard

That’s right it exists. What can it do? Firstly it can generate 879512032112304 kazillion-trillion A-Level maths questions. Each question has a detailed walkthrough explained by a maths tutor. Here is the typical layout:

Typical layout of a generated maths question

— generate button

— question

— multiple choice answers

— detailed explanation

— 🎉🔥🥳

Now every question you do is remembered and stored, so when your teacher or your parent asks if you’ve revised enough then you show them this:

Analytics showing your strengths in each topic

Yeah, but what if you get really stuck. What if the text is not enough and you want someone to actually explain it to you and guide you through it.

Well, there is also a comprehensive list of video tutorials that take you through the key concepts.

Video tutorial of a maths tutor explaining hidden quadratics

Yeah looks good but at the end of the day it’s all about that how you perform in that dreaded exam in May/June. How do you practise that?

Well guess what, you can also generate 734390 giga-pavillion amounts of Exam papers (which will be similar to your Edexcel, AQA, OCR, MEI exam boards).

Here you will be under time pressure and you won’t be able to see the working out. This feature will track how long you spend on each question and give you some sexy exam feedback like your marks per minute ratio.

So you’re probably thinking:

Okay amazing. I’m sold. What’s the catch? 💰

You can have the site and all its juicy features for the price of 2 cups of coffee a month. That’s right! If you use this coupon: EARLY500, AITutor would only cost you £5 a month. A private tutor will normally cost £40 for one single hour! Here you get 24/7 access to an unlimited amount of explanations for the same price as 7.5 minutes with a maths tutor. (You also get a 2 week free trial by the way)

However there is a plan which is free. You will be restricted on the amounts of questions you can generate a month and the videos you can watch. But it is a good plan if you want to try it out and have a play.

Sign up for the free or paid plan here.

So next time you’re going through some hard trigonometric identities, suvat, Numerical methods, Binomial Distributions, moments on a light extensible string, hypothesis testing or complex Venn diagrams remember; it doesn’t have to be this hard.

Happy revising you math champions!

