5 reasons why automatic Customer Service is here to stay

Aivo Stories
Published in
3 min readJan 25, 2019

Technology is going fast and collaboration between men and machines is already part of many companies’ everyday life. Digital transformation impact is clearly seen in companies that invest in the use of Artificial Intelligence, mainly, in the implementation of automatic Customer Service.

And everything suggests that this trend will continue to grow strongly in the years to come. According to a projection by McKinsey Global Institute, about 70% of the companies will have adopted at least one type of AI by 2030.

As its advantages are highlighted, it becomes clear how and why we are moving towards an increasingly automated future. Are you ready to ride this upcoming wave of innovation?

1. Imminent procedures

According to a report by LivePerson, 82% of consumers consider that quick problem solving as key when defining an excellent Customer Service experience.

Customers who have to wait unnecessarily, especially when having an issue, feel undervalued. Consequently, this feeling leads to criticism that can damage a company’s reputation or even result in cancellation of a service or product purchase.

That is why quick problem solving translates into a positive experience. Automatic Customer Service allows for effective solutions to be provided immediately, increasing customer satisfaction.

A virtual assistant, for example, can respond quickly to multiple simultaneous interactions and can solve most customer problems, delivering much more readiness in each interaction without relying on the speed and availability of a human agent.

2. Cost reduction

Automatic service technology offers advanced solutions at a much lower cost. Voice recognition, together with Machine Learning, allow for interactive voice responses that, in turn, result in cost savings of 60% to 80% compared to traditional call centers. And this is just one example.

Cost reduction is also achieved with the training of workers. While hiring and training a team takes time and money, the use of automatic Customer Service software includes pre-programmed settings with all the necessary knowledge about your company, therefore, you only need to train it once.

As you can see, it’s a powerful tool for your company’s economy that allows constant work optimization and puts an end to the use of archaic and bureaucratic resources.

3. Customer Service 24/7

Internet and new technologies have overcome the obstacles of traditional Customer Service. Consumers no longer need to wait for business hours to find out about a company, search for products or check prices. The trend is that, in the future, companies will be more concerned about their service availability.

Automatic service is not limited by days of the week or time. This means your organization can help customers as soon as they need it, 24 hours a day, without waiting time. By choosing this type of tool, you increase customer satisfaction and show your commitment to people, generating brand credibility.

4. Self-Service Growth

New generation of consumers — also known as Millennials — demands a unique Customer Service. We are in contact with a technologically independent generation who prefers to find the solution for their own problems through self-service tools such as FAQs, forums and online chats.

This self-sufficient attitude will still be present in upcoming generations, therefore, automatic Customer Service will be key to interaction and satisfaction response to this type of proactive consumer.

Thus, companies that do not adjust to this trend run the risk of failing to communicate effectively with the next generation of consumers, which can have a negative impact on customers experience and ultimately, on company’s sales.

5. Personalized experiences

A study by Segment has revealed that 71% of consumers feel frustrated by having an impersonal experience with a company, while 44% of respondents said they would buy again from brands that provide customized service. In other words, customization is already a real and growing demand.

Companies that collect data about their customers can use machine learning and artificial intelligence to provide an unparalleled customized experience and be able to analyze consumer records, draw profiles and offer an exclusive Customer Service.

An encouraging future for automatic Customer Service

Automatic Customer Service is a strategic resource that will continue to grow as companies gain confidence in future demands. But if you want to take advantage of the competitive benefits of this investment, you should start now!

We hope you have found this article interesting and that encourages you to think further about your business digital transformation.

Originally published at https://www.aivo.co on January 25, 2019.



Aivo Stories

Customer Service powered by Artificial Intelligence