Advantages of Artificial Intelligence in Customer Service

Aivo Stories
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2019

Artificial intelligence (AI) helps, and will continue to help, with tasks in all areas.

We benefit from artificial intelligence solutions daily without even realizing it. This technology may still seem a long way off, but it’s actually closer than we think. Google, Facebook, Netflix and many others use artificial intelligence as an ally to increasingly meet user expectations.

Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more available to society, either directly or indirectly. It helps improve the interaction between companies and customers, so why not use it to improve your relationship with your audience?

Learn how artificial intelligence can improve your customer service. Stand out by using it as a strategy to create better experiences for your audience.

Customers are ready for this new technology

As time goes by, artificial intelligence is more widespread in everyone’s routine. It makes everyday easier for companies and consumers alike, and that’s why customers are adapting so quickly to this new reality. AI can be beneficial in many areas and can even fix the usual errors in traditional customer service.

Consumers’ main issues with Customer Service are the delays, the lack of control over interactions and the lack of availability when they need support after business hours. Artificial intelligence can solve these issues completely.

Users know when they’re interacting with Customer Service via AI. The greatest satisfaction comes at the end, when they realize they had greater control over the situation and, even better, that they received the help they needed without the long waits.

It’s important to always bear in mind that customer satisfaction is the main goal in Customer Service. But how can you create the best possible experience for each interaction and keep your customers satisfied? Using artificial intelligence as an ally!

7 Advantages of Artificial Intelligence

Let’s start with what matters the most to customers.

  1. Greater control over interactions: systems that use AI are more accurate in every way. The information provided is more objective and the consumer has greater control over the conversation.
  2. Availability 24/7: the communication channels are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This makes the consumer feel constantly supported, which is excellent for the brand.
  3. Faster problem solving: unlike human operators, virtual assistants or chatbots can simultaneously assist a large number of customers and provide answers in real time. Users don’t have to wait to get solutions because everything is done much more quickly, making interactions shorter and less frequent.
  4. Less consumer effort: because the dialogue is more objective, consumers don’t need to make great efforts to receive answers to their questions and solutions to their problems. Keeping each customer’s records also makes interactions much easier.
  5. Greater confidence: consumer confidence is much higher because there is no risk of human error when solving problems.
  6. Greater privacy and security: users don’t worry about the personal information they provide because the system protects their privacy.
  7. More customized interactions: the virtual assistant or chatbot learns from every interaction with the consumer. This information, combined with the customer’s records, is used to increasingly customize their interactions.

All these benefits help improve the user experience and increase customer satisfaction with your brand. There’s no doubt that artificial intelligence can help Customer Service immensely.

So far, we’ve gone through the advantages of artificial intelligence from the consumer’s point of view, but there are even more advantages for the company.

Undoubtedly, its greatest benefit is that it builds customer loyalty. A satisfied customer is loyal, and a loyal customer improves the company’s performance.

Another great advantage of artificial intelligence is continuous learning. This is an excellent method to obtain valuable information from leads and customers. The collected information is a great source for better market research and identifying trends. If used properly, this information can help you grow your brand significantly.

In short, the benefits of artificial intelligence in Customer Service are so many that it will help companies reduce costs in the long run. Tempting, isn’t it?

Consumers are so ready for artificial intelligence! Are you?

Originally published at on January 31, 2019.



Aivo Stories

Customer Service powered by Artificial Intelligence