How to Improve Customer Experience: 6 of the Best Ways

Aivo Stories
Published in
4 min readSep 9, 2019

Customer experience is crucial for the growth of your business. In fact, according to a study, businesses which earn $ 1 billion annually can make an additional $ 700 million in the next three years just by investing in customer experience.

The importance of customer experience can be understood from the fact that by 2020, it’ll become the key brand differentiator . That’s why a positive (or negative) customer experience can lead to the success (or downfall) of your business.

Here are some tips on how to improve customer experience.

1. Understand Your Customers

To improve your customer experience, it’s crucial to first understand them and their motivations. For this, you need to first define your customer people based on their demographics, interests, and locations.

It’s also critical to understand their pain points so that you can solve their problems and improve customer experience.

2. Provide Omnichannel Experience

You need to remember that many consumers use multiple channels to interact with your brand before making a purchase.

In fact, 76% of shoppers use multiple channels to make a purchase. To improve their experience, you need to deliver a seamless omnichannel experience to them. This ensures that, whenever they interact with your brand, their experience remains consistent.

3. Be Available

The most important thing that you need to do to improve your customer experience is that of being present for them. Your goal should be to remain online for them 24/7, be it through email support, live chat, or even phone support.

You must try to resolve all their queries as quickly as possible and in the best manner possible. This will keep your customers satisfied.

4. Reward Loyal Customers

One of the best ways of improving customer experience is by surprising your customers with rewards. You should consider giving rewards to your most loyal customers and appreciate their engagement. This will deepen their trust in your brand and keep them satisfied.

Additionally, it will motivate them to engage with you and also attract others to your brand so that they can win rewards.

Some of the rewards that you can give them are:

  • Exclusive offers that aren’t provided to all customers.
  • Give them a friendly shoutout by sharing their posts, reviews, or even stories on you social media accounts.

5. Reach Out Through Social Media

To improve your customer experience even further, you can reach out to your consumers via social media. It’s essential to keep in mind that people don’t use social media just to interact with their social circles but also to engage with brands.

In fact, 48% of consumers say that when a brand answers their questions on social media, it pushes them to purchase from the brand. At the same time, 88% of consumers get annoyed when brands mock their fans.

You can also interact with your customers by sharing interesting and educational content regularly. It’s also a great idea to announce your latest product updates and respond to your customers’ comments and problems.

6. Use Analytics

Analytics are crucial for the success of any business. They help you figure out where your business stands and how you can improve your performance. You must keep an eye on your customer satisfaction score, net promoter score, and customer effort score.

Also, you should track how people are engaging with your brand on social media and your website. Based on the data gathered, you can make changes to your strategy to improve customer experience.

You can track and view all of your valuable performance data in the Dashboard of Aivo’s chatbot. This will help you discover meaningful insights about your customers. You can get answers to:

  • What are the most popular questions that your customers ask?
  • What are their questions and problems related to?
  • Do you need to update your website?

Overall, you can use these insights to identify improvement opportunities and deliver better customer experiences.

To learn more about customer experience and how to improve it, you can check out the infographic below.

Originally published at on September 9, 2019.



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