The Great Equalizer: How AI is Revolutionizing the Writing Game

Adam Schmideg
Published in
2 min readMar 25, 2023
By the Author with Playgroundai

From idea to written text: it’s like trying to squeeze toothpaste out of a tube with a chopstick. Michelangelo may have said that the sculpture is already in the stone, but he conveniently left out the part about the sweat, tears, and occasional cursing that goes into carving it out. Writing is no different. It takes persistence, patience, and a strong posterior to grind out those words.

And don’t get me started on the age-old adage that ideas are worthless and execution is king. It’s like saying the chicken is worthless and only the egg-laying matters. Sure, execution is important, but without a good idea to execute, you’re just a hamster on a wheel, spinning and going nowhere.

But what about us slow writers? The ones who struggle to express our beautiful ideas in a coherent way? Well, we used to be called lazy or unskilled. But now, thanks to the glorious age of AI, we can finally keep up with the big boys and girls. We can take our ideas and mold them into something tangible, without the added stress of laboring over each and every word. Some might call it cheating, but I call it leveling the playing field.

You see, most ideas are unwritten. They float around in our heads, never to see the light of day. But with AI technology, we can finally bring those ideas to life. It’s not just about writing anymore, it’s about capturing the essence of an idea and giving it form.

Of course, there will always be those who can whip out a masterpiece in mere minutes. They’re the unicorns of the writing world, the ones who make the rest of us feel like we’re slogging through molasses. But let’s not forget, they’re the exception, not the rule. And with AI technology becoming more advanced every day, the gap between the fast writers and slow writers is narrowing. It’s not just about execution anymore, folks. Ideas matter.

So, to all my fellow slow writers out there, take heart. Your ideas are valuable and worthy of being heard. And thanks to AI, you can now express them in a way that does them justice. Who knows, maybe one day the tables will turn, and the fast writers will be the ones playing catch-up. Until then, keep chipping away at that toothpaste tube with your chopstick. You’ll get there eventually.

