What’s Beyond the Looking Glass?

Adam Schmideg
Published in
7 min readMay 23, 2023
By the Author with Bing Create

Today has been a day of artistic turmoil for me. As I sat down to create, the weight of the rules of perspective and shape transformation bore heavily on my shoulders. I know them well, perhaps too well, and I find myself trapped within their confines. Yet, I yearn to break free and explore uncharted territories of artistic expression. The struggle lies not in disregarding the rules entirely but in discerning which new rules to follow. I am caught in a paradox of longing for freedom while desperately seeking a new framework to guide my rebellious spirit. The blank canvas stares back at me, challenging me to redefine the boundaries and find a unique path forward. I know deep within me that there is a way to defy expectations, to bend the rules without losing sight of the essence of my art. But for now, I must grapple with this uncertainty, knowing that within this struggle lies the seeds of innovation and self-discovery. Tomorrow, I will embark on a quest to find the unspoken rules that will guide my artistic rebellion and open the doors to new dimensions of creativity.

By the Author with Bing Create

Andrei: Have you seen Shella’s latest works? I mean, she’s definitely talented, but sometimes I wonder if she truly understands the essence of art.

Sasha: What do you mean, Andrei? Shella’s art has always been intriguing and thought-provoking.

Andrei: Well, you know, she seems to be more interested in breaking the rules rather than mastering them. It’s like she’s trying to rebel against tradition without fully grasping its significance.

Sasha: I see where you’re coming from. Shella does have a tendency to deviate from the expected. But isn’t that what makes her art unique? She challenges our perspectives and brings something fresh to the table.

Andrei: Yes, I suppose. But sometimes I feel like she’s lost, unsure of which direction to take. It’s as if she’s searching for a style or a set of rules that truly define her artistic voice.

By the Author with Bing Create

Dear Andrei Klotski

We are pleased to inform you that you have been appointed as a member of the Scholarship Evaluation Committee for the upcoming academic year. Your expertise and knowledge in the field of art make you a valuable addition to the committee.

As a committee member, you will play a crucial role in the evaluation and selection process for various scholarship applications. Some of the applicants under consideration include:

Shella Anderson: An aspiring artist who exhibits a unique approach to artistic expression, challenging traditional norms and boundaries.

James Thompson: A talented painter known for his masterful use of colors and ability to evoke emotions through his artwork.

Maya Patel: A sculptor who pushes the limits of conventional materials, creating intricate and thought-provoking pieces that explore themes of identity and society.

Please note that your objective evaluation of each applicant is of utmost importance. The committee will rely on your insights and expertise to assess their artistic abilities, potential, and alignment with the scholarship’s criteria.

The committee will convene on the 13th March to review and discuss the applications thoroughly. Your presence and active participation during the evaluation sessions are vital in ensuring a comprehensive assessment of each candidate.

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Scholarship Office.

Thank you for your dedication, and congratulations once again on your appointment.


Ms. Emily Mitchell, the Director of Scholarships at the Prestige Art Institute

By the Author with Bing Create

Today, I found out that Andrei is on the committee that will decide if I get the scholarship or not. It got me thinking about what he might think of my art. I vaguely remember a time when he said something positive about it, but I’m not sure if he really meant it or if it was just a passing compliment. The uncertainty is messing with my head, but I shouldn’t let it bring me down. Art is subjective, and everyone has their own opinions. Andrei prefers traditional art, and my style is more unconventional.

My mind revisits a vivid memory from an exhibition opening where Andrei, the artist whose opinion holds weight in my mind, made a comment about my art. I recall the scene clearly, the vibrant atmosphere filled with fellow artists and art enthusiasts buzzing with excitement.

Amidst the conversations and mingling, I caught a glimpse of Andrei as he stood before my artwork. His eyes lingered on my piece, his expression contemplative. After a moment, he turned to me and said, “Your art truly challenges the boundaries of tradition and opens up new perspectives. It’s refreshing to see such bold creativity.”

The memory lingers, each word etched in my mind. I replay the sentence, dissecting its meaning and analyzing every nuance. The genuine admiration I perceived in Andrei’s tone brings a glimmer of reassurance amidst the sea of doubt that plagues me now.

But as I reflect on this memory, I must also remind myself not to place too much weight on a single comment. Andrei’s view may have evolved since that moment, or he may hold reservations about my unconventional approach. Uncertainty creeps back, reminding me that art is subjective, and opinions can change.

By the Author with Bing Create

Dear Andrei,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you today regarding the recent conversation we had regarding the evaluation of Shella Anderson’s art for the scholarship application. I must express my disappointment in the comments you made during that discussion.

While I understand that art is subjective and everyone is entitled to their opinions, it is crucial for members of the Scholarship Evaluation Committee to maintain a fair and unbiased approach. It is our responsibility to assess the applicants based on their artistic abilities, potential, and alignment with the scholarship’s criteria, without any personal bias or prejudice.

However, your remarks during the discussion suggested a dismissive attitude towards Shella’s artwork, undermining their artistic qualities and potential. As a member of the committee, it is expected that you approach each applicant with an open mind, valuing their unique artistic expressions and perspectives.

Our goal as a committee is to support and uplift talented artists who demonstrate promise and dedication in their craft. It is disheartening to witness any discouragement or lack of recognition towards an applicant’s artistic journey, as it goes against the principles of fostering creativity and nurturing emerging talent.

I kindly request that you reflect upon your words and consider the impact they may have had on Shella and their artistic aspirations. It is crucial for us as evaluators to inspire and encourage artists, providing constructive feedback that helps them grow and evolve in their artistic endeavors.

I hope that moving forward, we can all approach our responsibilities as committee members with the utmost professionalism, respect, and fairness. Let us strive to create an environment that embraces artistic diversity, celebrates innovation, and supports the aspirations of aspiring artists.

If you have any concerns or would like to discuss this matter further, I am available for a conversation. Please feel free to reach out to me at my phone or email.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Emily Mitchell Director of Scholarships Prestige Art Institute

By the Author with Bing Create

Sasha: I understand that you’re frustrated, Andrei, but we need to consider that the committee’s intention is to maintain a fair and unbiased evaluation process.

Andrei: Fair? Unbiased? I have devoted my entire life to art and have years of experience. They should have more faith in my judgment!

Sasha: While I acknowledge your dedication, Andrei, we must remember that the committee’s goal is to ensure equal opportunities for all applicants. They want to avoid any potential biases that could affect the selection process.

Andrei: It’s absurd! I’ve always approached evaluations with impartiality and professionalism. They should trust that I am more than capable of making fair judgments.

Sasha: I understand your frustration, but perhaps they have valid concerns about potential biases or preferences that could impact the decisions. It’s important to address those concerns and reassure them of our commitment to fairness.

Andrei: Reassure them? I shouldn’t have to prove myself to anyone. My track record speaks for itself!

By the Author with Bing Create

Today, I had a dream about glasses that left me feeling hopeful and inspired. In the dream, I was surrounded by unique and beautiful glasses, symbolizing the diverse artistic possibilities in my journey. It felt like a positive sign regarding my scholarship application, encouraging me to push the boundaries of my art. This dream has reignited my determination and reminded me of the endless potential in my artistic path. I will carry this inspiration with me as I continue working on my application, pouring my heart into every brushstroke. Dreams may not predict the future, but they can be powerful motivators.

