The End Draws Near

Aix Squared
Aix Squared
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2015

Our 6 month trip is nearing an end. It feels like forever ago since that fateful day Vincent sat in a meeting room and found out he couldn’t work in France. We were devastated. Our budgeting and planning did not work with zero income. But we weren’t going to give up and so in two weeks we performed some impressive feats of fiscal juggling and we made it work (if you look hard enough, there is money to be found but it might mean some sacrifices). In hindsight, it was a blessing in disguise. Our original plan was for 11 months, with me working throughout. I don’t think we could have stayed here for that long in one place. Six months has been more than enough time to experience Provence in a tiny one bedroom city center apartment. We miss our stuff and we miss having our own place. We’re going to miss Aix though — it’s a charming cosmopolitan city. We’ll miss our daily baguettes. We’ll miss the Rotonde. We’ll miss the everyday markets. We’ll miss a ton of stuff. We won’t miss the people screaming in the night as they party, though.

Having a six month sabbatical was something we wanted to take advantage of. We used Aix as our base of operations to travel across Europe. Many days were spent planning these excursions so they fit into our budget, we might as well have been working.

In case you’ve been missing out on our adventures across Europe, here are the links to the publications containing each day’s activities in every location we’ve visited:

Soon we’ll embark on one last trip before heading back home, Florence. There are so many places we wish we could have gone, especially with Barcelona being only a relatively short and cheap IDBus ride away. Alas, you have to save some for later, right?

We hope you’ve enjoyed following our adventure. If you’ve been a regular, we thank you. If you’re just reading this for the first time, we hope you found it interesting. There’s still a few weeks left and we’ll be sure to finish Florence and some ending posts before we close the doors on AixSquared — but we will reveal who we are so you can follow us in other social spheres. Who knows, maybe we’ll move AixSquared to a more permanent home.



Aix Squared
Aix Squared

I am Vincent, curator of Aix Squared, husband of @aixceleste and this is a blog about living in Provence, France