In the Loop №4: No-Code Machine Learning

➰AIxDesign Monthly Newsletter, October 2020

Avantika M
6 min readOct 30, 2020



PSA: It is a key value for us at AIxDESIGN to open-source our work and research. The forced paywalls here have led us to stop using Medium so while you can still read the article below, future writings & resources will be published on other platforms. Learn more at or come hang with us on any of our other channels. Hope to see you there 👋

In the same way that we now have Squarespace and WordPress for web design, we see more and more no- and low-code tools for machine learning popping up around us. While the computation remains unchanged, these accessible and graphic user interfaces open the doors for a whole new audience to engage with data and ML. Ranging from playful experiments such as Teachable Machine to robust systems like those of

The upsides are obvious — to create value across society and close the digital divide. But the ease at which these tasks are performed may not require much understanding of the system, which brings new risks. In this edition, we invite you to join us in exploring the state of no-code ML :)

History & Future of No-Code

Curious where everything started? “No-code” is a movement and a very hype subject nowadays — but do you know how we got here? Read this article for a short and delightful travel through time — all the way from Lady Ada Lovelace to the first computer — then back to this decade, where we were first introduced to “low-code” and later on to “no-code” tools and practices.

No-Code ML Algorithms

Traditional data science can sometimes be very challenging and complex. In this article, you will find out about a new method of performing ML predictions & analytics by using a 3-step process. This method can be used for performing supervised ML, for either classification or regression functions.

The Issue with No-Code ML

No-code ML may seem ideal for democratizing the power of AI, but what are the hidden dangers? In this post, a machine learning engineer points out how the no-code approach may lead to the deployment of models with algorithmic bias.

Envisioning GUI for AI

In 2018, argodesign and CognitiveScale unveiled the world’s first graphical AI interface. Over the years, we have seen a rise in visual tools hoping to make AI accessible to everyone, not just those with PhDs. Read the case overview from argodesign to discover what lies at the heart of their design. How would you envision the ideal graphical user interface (GUI) for no-code ML tools to be?

26 No-Code ML tools to check out

Wondering which no-code tool to use? Our community members met up and evaluated the state of no-code ML tools (and some low-code). Read the write-up of the assessment and check out the compilation of tools!

October Event: No-Code ML with Ben Flader

Earlier this month, we hosted a no-code machine learning workshop with 30 participants, with diverse backgrounds — from (UX-)designers, managing directors, innovation scouts to even a biologist — all with zero to basic AI knowledge, none with any expert knowledge in data science or statistics. The goal of this workshop was to understand the basic vocabulary, processes, and limits of AI in a playful approach using a no-code tool from Google named Teachable Machine.

The workshop was hosted by Benjamin Flader and you can read more about the event below.

Upcoming: Designing ML

Next month, we are inviting Michelle Carney to give us a talk on Designing ML. The talk will focus on learning how to design ML systems that create impactful value within their human and environmental contexts. Michelle is a Senior UX Designer at Google with computational neuroscience and data science background from UC Berkeley.

She is also a lecturer at Stanford’s where she co-facilitates and develops a course called Designing Machine Learning. Additionally, she also hosts the Machine Learning User Experience meetups in San Francisco (MLUX) which focuses on how design and AI/ML come together.

📖 Read: Make me think! — Ralph Ammer

👁 Watch: The myth of neutral AI — Josh Lovejoy

🎧 Listen: The Radical AI Podcast

We’ve decided to cast a monthly spotlight on one of our members to introduce you to the world of their practice and perspectives. Earlier in the month, we published an interview with Nadia Piet. She is a researcher, a designer, and also the founder of this community.

Have you had a chance to read it yet? If not, check out the interview where we discuss several topics from what makes AI x Design so interesting, her opinion on Emotional AI to podcast recommendations, and more.

Collab Opp: UX of AI Design Pattern Library

We are looking to develop a UX of AI Design Pattern Library that will translate existing high-level principles of AI-human interaction into tangible wireframes in order to question and inform how we design AI-driven products and services. If you’re interested in being a partner, sponsor, or contributor for co-creation, leave your details here to get involved!

Kickstarter Support for Illustrated Book on Big Data

Fred Wordie is launching a Kickstarter campaign for his illustrated picture book that explains Big Data in the simplest way possible for kids and adults both. Learn more and support the campaign here!

About AIxDesign

AIxDesign is a place to unite practitioners and evolve practices at the intersection of AI/ML and design. We are currently organizing monthly virtual events, sharing content, exploring collaborative projects, and developing fruitful partnerships.

To stay in the loop, follow us on Instagram, Linkedin, or subscribe to our monthly newsletter to capture it all in your inbox. You can now also find us at

