Reinforcement Learning, Part 3: The Markov Decision Process

MDP in action: the next step toward solving real-life problems with RL and AI

dan lee
AI³ | Theory, Practice, Business
6 min readOct 30, 2019


Welcome back to my AI blog! Now that we have an understanding of the Markov property and Markov chain, which I introduced in Reinforcement Learning, Part 2, we’re ready to discuss the Markov Decision Process (MDP).

In this article, we’ll use a simple example to explain this classic concept of machine learning.

By the end, you’ll have a basic knowledge of:

  • How the Markov Decision Process is defined;
  • How MDP works with a simple example;
  • Why and how to use Discounted Rewards.

Why We Need To Know MDP

To understand why MDP is so critical to RL, we must recall the four necessary elements defined in Reinforcement Learning, Part 1. These are agent, environment, action, and reward. If you can frame your task in an MDP, congratulations! You’ve defined your environment. Now you have a space where the agent can take actions, get rewards, and learn.

MDP is a framework that can solve most Reinforcement Learning problems with discrete actions. With the Markov Decision Process, an agent can arrive at an optimal policy (which we’ll discuss next week) for maximum rewards over time.

Now, to build a practical understanding of how this works, let’s put forth our sample task: Today, we are going to help a young man by the name of Adam make sequential decisions to earn the greatest possible amount of money.

Defining The Markov Decision Process (MDP)

After reading my last article, you should have a pretty good idea of what the Markov Property is and what it looks like when we use a Markov Chain. That means we’re ready to dig into the essential Reinforcement Learning concept of MDP.

Recall our discussion of the Markov Chain, which works with S, a set of states, and P, the probability of transitioning from one to the next. It also uses the Markov Property, meaning each state depends only on the one immediately prior to it.

Figure 2: An example of the Markov decision process

Now, the Markov Decision Process differs from the Markov Chain in that it brings actions into play. This means the next state is related not only to the current state itself but also to the actions taken in the current state. Moreover, in MDP, some actions that correspond to a state can return rewards.

In fact, the aim of MDP is to train an agent to find a policy that will return the maximum cumulative rewards from taking a series of actions in one or more states.

Here’s a formulated definition, which is what you’ll probably get if you google Markov Decision Process:

Now, let’s apply this framework to Figure 2 above for a more concrete understanding of these abstract notes:

▶️ MDP in Action: Learning with Adam

We can make this even easier to grasp with a story, using Adam as our example. As we know, this hard-working young man wants to make as much money as he can. Using the framework defined above, we can help him do just that.

▶️ When Adam’s state is Tired, he can choose one of three actions: (1) continue working, (2) go to the gym, and (3) get some sleep.

If he chooses to work, he remains in the Tired state with the certainty of getting a +20 reward. if he chooses to sleep, he has 80% of moving to the next state, Energetic, and a 20% chance of staying Tired.

If he doesn’t want to sleep, he may go to the gym and do a workout. This gives him a 50% chance of entering the Energetic state and a 50% chance of staying Tired. However, he needs to pay for the gym, so this choice results in a -10 reward.

▶️ When Adam becomes Energetic, he can go back to work and be more efficient. From there, he has an 80% chance of getting Tired again (with a +40 reward), and a 20% chance of staying Energetic (with a +30 reward).

Sometimes, when he is Energetic, he wants to do a workout. When he exercises in this state, he has a good time and gets 100% getting Healthier. Of course, he needs to pay for it with a -10 reward.

▶️ Once he arrives at the state Healthier, there is only one thing on his mind: earn more money by doing more work. Because he is in such a good state, he works at peak efficiency, earns a +100 reward, and keeps working until he gets tired again.

With the above information, we can train an agent aimed at helping Adam find the best policy to maximize his rewards over time. This agent will undertake a Markov Decision Process.

However, before we can do that, we need to know how to compute the cumulative reward when an action is taken in one state. That is to say, we must be able to estimate the state value.

Don’t worry! This will only take a minute to cover.

Discounted Reward

As we learned in my introduction to RL, Reinforcement Learning is a multi-decision process. Unlike the “one instance, one prediction” model of supervised learning, an RL agent’s target is to maximize the cumulative rewards of a series of decisions — not simply the immediate reward from one decision.

It requires the agent to look into the future while simultaneously collecting current rewards.

In Adam’s example above, future rewards are as important as current rewards. But in the CartPole game we discussed here, surviving in the present is more important than anything else.

Because future rewards can be valued differently depending on the scenario, we need a mechanism to discount the importance of future rewards at different time steps.

The above symbol for a discounted rate or factor is the key to this mechanism. The rewards computed by it are referred to as discounted rewards.

Consider the information above. If the discount rate is close to 0, future rewards won’t count for much in comparison to immediate rewards. In contrast, if the discount rate is close to 1, rewards that are far in the future will be almost as important as immediate rewards.

In short, discounted reward how we estimate the value of a state.


So far in our Reinforcement Learning series, we’ve learned:

  1. What Reinforcement Learning is and how it’s used in everyday life.
  2. How the Markov Property and Chain work to generate words.
  3. And now, we know how to use MDP and Discounted Reward.

With MDP, we can help Adam make the decisions that will guarantee maximum earnings without detriment to his health. In the real world, you can collect data that reflects reality, analyze the statistics, and create effective MDPs to solve all kinds of problems!

Come back next week to learn how to make an optimal policy search with MDP.

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dan lee
AI³ | Theory, Practice, Business

NLP Engineer, Google Developer Expert, AI Specialist in Yodo1