101 Highly Paying Websites from $50 to $3000 for a Blog Post

I went one level up to find even better paying websites than $2000

Unique Writer
Ajaay Goyel Writes…
2 min readOct 11, 2019


Photo by Christine Roy on Unsplash



Time for celebration, for all of us Writers!!

I found yet another golden opportunity to earn even more than $2000 for an article.

These websites, and magazines etc pay anywhere within the range of $50 to $3000+

Yes, you read me right!!

Up to $3000+ for a blog post.

Seems surprising or unbelievable?

Well, go for some of them, and write for them, and find out for yourself.

Here is the web link for all those high paying websites, magazines etc:

If you liked this article from Ajaay Goyel, maybe you will like to check some similar ones from him here:

Thanks for Reading!

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/Travelers2016

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ajaaygoel/

Email: saviour.goyal@gmail.com

Whatsapp: +91–9990803017

Have a Good Day and Night!!

Photo by Pepi Stojanovski on Unsplash

