Write for more High-Paying Publications

Here are some web links for high-paying websites, clients, and publications

Unique Writer
Ajaay Goyel Writes…
2 min readOct 9, 2019


Photo by Pepi Stojanovski on Unsplash

First one, I used in my initial days of writing for high-paying websites:

When I started researching as to how to help ‘Writers,’ from all over the world, to earn much more than they make, I stumbled upon this website above, and there was no looking back from there.

Bamidele Onibalusi wrote it, and his intention was the same as mine.

He has written several such articles and posted about so many other golden opportunities.

Here are some more from him:

You can earn a great amount for writing for the above publications, magazines etc. From anywhere in the range of $50 to $2000+

Here are some other websites suggested by him, although, it can be considered as alternate ones, some of these you yourself might be aware of:

After him, I also found and interacted with this great highly-paid writer Elna Cain:

I’ll keep posting more articles regarding this, as I’m here now, to help All My Fellow Writers From All Over The World.


Photo by Nicolas Lobos on Unsplash

