Top 7 Gaming Industry Trends in South Korea

AJ Marketing
AJ Marketing Blog
Published in
9 min readJan 29, 2021

Did you know that South Korea is the undefeated champion when it comes to gaming culture and infrastructure? It’s no wonder their gaming market is booming, estimated to be a whopping $12.8 billion! This multi-billion dollar industry is like a treasure trove just waiting to be discovered by businesses looking for exciting opportunities. But hold on, before diving in headfirst, let’s take a look at the annual trends that shape this incredible industry.

Get ready for some mind-blowing insights! The Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA) has recently unveiled their latest data from 2020, giving us a sneak peek into the thrilling world of South Korea’s gaming industry. So buckle up and keep reading to discover the top 7 trends that are revolutionizing gaming in this gaming paradise!

1. Overall Game Usage

Guess what? In a recent survey that targeted the general public, with a whopping 3,084 participants aged between 10 and 65, an astonishing 70.5% of them revealed that they were avid gamers. That’s right, nearly three-fourths of the participants couldn’t resist the allure of games, whether it be on their trusty PCs, mobile devices, consoles, or even in the good ol’ arcade! And here’s the exciting part: this number saw a remarkable increase of 4.8% compared to the previous year. It seems like the gaming bug is spreading like wildfire!

Now, picture this: with stay-at-home orders keeping everyone indoors, games became the go-to pastime for both seasoned gamers and enthusiastic newcomers. As people sought solace within the four walls of their homes, gaming emerged as the ultimate source of entertainment. But wait, there’s more! As if that wasn’t exciting enough, the popularity of game streaming services like Twitch soared to new heights. It was like a virtual spectacle where gamers and viewers came together to experience the thrill and joy of gaming in real-time.

Data from KOCCA, Chart Made by |

So, what types of games were making waves in South Korea? Brace yourself, because the results are mind-boggling! Mobile games stole the show, with a staggering 91.1% of game users confessing their addiction to gaming on the go. But don’t worry, PC games were not far behind, claiming the hearts of 59.1% of gamers. And let’s not forget the console warriors, who made up 20.8% of the gaming community. Finally, there were the nostalgic souls who still found solace in arcade games, accounting for a cool 10.0% of the gaming population. It’s safe to say that South Korea’s gaming scene is as diverse as it is thrilling!

Data from KOCCA, Chart Made by |

2. Virtual Reality (VR) Game Usage Rate

Picture this: in the realm of all game users, the usage rate of VR games clocked in at 7.7%. Okay, okay, I know that may seem like a slight dip of 1.2% compared to the previous year, but hear me out. The pandemic threw a curveball at the popularity of VR, but fear not! This setback is just a blip on the radar, as companies are pouring their heart and soul into enhancing VR games, which means this market is about to explode with excitement.

Data from KOCCA, Chart Made by |

Now, here’s a fascinating tidbit: when it comes to VR, the ladies are leading the charge! That’s right, the usage rate of women in the captivating world of VR gaming is relatively higher than that of men. But wait, there’s more to uncover. Amongst different age groups, it turns out that people in their 40s are the true VR enthusiasts. They just can’t get enough of the immersive experiences and mind-bending adventures that VR has to offer.

3. Behavior of the General Game Users

We’re about to unveil the most popular gaming gadgets that gamers just can’t get enough of.

Topping the charts, we have smartphones, the ultimate portable gaming powerhouses, capturing a staggering 94.7% of the gaming user base. Whether you’re battling monsters, solving puzzles, or conquering kingdoms, these pocket-sized wonders deliver an immersive gaming experience like no other. But that’s not all! Our trusty desktop PCs come in next, standing tall at 59.9% of game users. They are the go-to choice for those seeking the ultimate gaming performance, graphics that will blow your mind, and the thrill of dominating opponents with precision.

But wait, there’s more! Laptops and notebooks are also high on the gaming hit list, with 51.2% of gamers opting for the flexibility of gaming on the go. With these portable powerhouses, you can enjoy your favorite games wherever you roam. And last but not least, we have the tablet PCs, claiming the hearts of 32.4% of game users. These versatile devices offer a unique blend of convenience and gaming excellence, providing a whole new way to experience the virtual world.

Data from KOCCA, Chart Made by |

Now, let’s talk about PC rooms, the ultimate gaming sanctuaries for avid players. Brace yourself for some jaw-dropping numbers! Game users who frequent PC rooms more than once a week, on average, spend a mind-boggling 6.2 times per month in these gaming heavens. And get this, the most common usage time for a single session is a whopping 2 to 3 hours, which accounts for an adrenaline-pumping 43.4% of all respondents.

Data from KOCCA, Chart Made by |

A significant 6.8% of survey respondents reveal that they play in PC rooms for more than 5 hours in one epic gaming session. That’s right, they dive deep into the gaming realm, immersing themselves for hours on end.

And here’s a fascinating twist! Among those respondents who are frequent visitors to PC rooms, guess why they choose these gaming havens? It’s all about the power of friendship and connections! They play games in PC rooms “to get along with friends and colleagues,” forming unbreakable bonds as they embark on virtual adventures together.

4. Awareness & Attitude Towards Game Companies

Take a look at this: when asked if they were aware of the income method used by recent game companies, a staggering 79.7% of respondents aged 10 to 65 replied with an emphatic “yes!” These companies have revolutionized the game industry by making money through the sale of in-game items, rather than providing the game software for free.

But that’s not all we have in store for you. Get ready to dive into the world of blockchain games! Imagine a gaming universe where everything is decentralized, where game assets and digital goods are distributed among the players themselves. It’s a game-changer, quite literally! Blockchain gaming empowers players, creating a transparent and fair playing field where each player becomes a vital link in the “chain.” The best part? There’s no need for a dedicated server for multiplayer play. It’s a revolution in gaming!

Now, here’s where it gets really exciting. Blockchain games have their own unique tokens or utilize existing tokens, and guess what? These tokens can be converted into real-world currency through the magic of cryptocurrency. That’s right, your gaming adventures can have a tangible impact on your real-life wallet. It’s like turning your gaming prowess into cold, hard cash!

Data from KOCCA, Chart Made by |

As a result of asking 2,174 participants about the degree of interest in blockchain games, 40.6% of respondents answered that they were interested, and 59.4% stated otherwise. The world of gaming is ever-evolving, and blockchain games might just captivate their hearts in due time.

5. Perception of Game Usage by Children

Let’s dive into the fascinating world of parenting and gaming habits! It turns out that when it comes to the habits and usage of their children playing games, parents with school-aged kids have quite diverse opinions. 642 parents (or parental figures) were asked, and boy, did we uncover some interesting insights!

Imagine this: 51.6% of the respondents who had school-aged children answered with an enthusiastic “yes” when asked if they allow their kids to play games, as long as it doesn’t interfere with their schooling. It’s all about striking the right balance, ensuring that education remains a top priority while still letting the kids have some well-deserved gaming fun.

Data from KOCCA, Chart Made by |

Another group of parents, making up a solid 43.0% of respondents, believe that gaming should have its designated and allocated time period. It’s like creating a gaming schedule, where kids can enjoy their favorite games while still maintaining a healthy routine.

Data from KOCCA, Chart Made by |

Now, let’s talk about the joy of gaming together as a family. When asked whether they play games with their school-aged girls, 45.0% of parents responded with a resounding “sometimes.” It’s all about creating those special moments, bonding over virtual adventures, and making lasting memories together. On the other hand, 22.5% of parents confessed that they “almost never” play games with their daughters.

6. Changes in Game Usage due to COVID-19

Get ready for some intriguing findings from a recent study on the ever-evolving world of gaming during the era of COVID-19! Recently, a study was conducted to find out whether there was any change in the usage behavior of users in different game platforms due to COVID-19 (after January 2020).

Data from KOCCA, Chart Made by |

Let’s dive right into the world of game usage time. Hold onto your controllers because the response rate indicating an increase in game usage for PC, mobile, and console games was off the charts, with over 40% of respondents confirming the surge. However, there was a bittersweet twist. Arcade games, which require visiting in person to enjoy the thrill, took a hit. A significant 32.3% of respondents reported a noticeable decrease in usage in this particular field. It’s like a nostalgic pastime facing an unexpected challenge.

As with PC, mobile, and console games, where the rate of increase in game usage time was high, the response rate that the usage cost also increased was also quite high. Arcade games suffered considerable financial losses, with 38.8% of respondents admitting to spending significantly less in this field.

7. Changes in VR Game Usage due to COVID-19

A whopping 26.6% of users who have experienced the mind-blowing adventures of VR games with cutting-edge equipment like PCs, smartphones, consoles, and standalone VR devices revealed that their game usage time skyrocketed after the onset of COVID-19.

Data from KOCCA, Chart Made by |

Among respondents with experience in VR gaming, a staggering 45.7% confessed that their spending on purchasing content shot through the roof. Can you blame them? With more time being spent at home, people were on the hunt for exciting new activities within the confines of their own abode.

In Conclusion

By characteristics of respondents, the rate of use of games was far higher by men than by women for all game fields in South Korea. By age, it was surveyed that those in their 20s and under used games relatively more than people in their 30s and older.

Most game users (70.9%) seemed to be aware of how game companies are making money even if the application or software download to play is free.

In general, the gaming industry was able to withstand the economic difficulties imposed by COVID-19 compared to other industries. In certain fields, gaming companies thrived as more people looked for ways to spend their newfound time at home.

The gaming industry in South Korea will continue to grow in the next coming years, as this data from KOCCA suggests. To know more about Korea’s different industry trends, go and check the AJ Marketing Blog.

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South Korea’s Social Media Trends in 2020
Korean Game Trends in Global Markets in 2020

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