Is Opportunity or Burden?

Ray Teng
AJobThing Avenger
Published in
4 min readJul 5, 2018

My cousin just resign. He graduated 2 years ago from one of the university in Malaysia. Once graduated he landed a great job at HQ of one of the biggest bank in Malaysia. Well paid, well dress, great office, great environment. But after 2 years, he get bored with the routine job and he feel didn’t learnt much during the 2 years. He ask for my advice.

I told him,

  • If you are top consultant McKinsey type, you should work for big corporate because you may have chance to climb the corporate ladder with your outstanding performance.
  • If you looking for peaceful, work life balance environment, please continue work at your company, don’t resign.
  • But if you want to learn how to handle shit, how to be master of jack, want to see how much pressure you can handle, wondering how far you can go; then go work in startup. If possible, find a position in the startup that you will have chance to work with the founder / co-founder. Because he will give you miserably life that will stretch your capability

Startup is a fast moving company. We work fast, we want to win, we chase our target. So what happen to the people?

Some may able to adapt. Some may not able to.

Those can adapt, they will shine. Those can’t, they will leave.

Please remember, it is completely normal for Startup to have change of employee, THEY HAVE TO. You should be very worry if they do not.

Startup can only grow if they have the right people, right talent. But it is not easy to find right talent. Interview can help you find the potential candidate, but it cannot guarantee you they are talent.

You will only know whether the staff is the right talent, by working with them, for long period of time.

My cousin is a young blood, with big dream. I can see the burning fire in him. I reminded him:

  • If you can take all the shit and don’t mind doing it [ Startup have no fix job scope and priority always change]
  • If you can stand all the pressure [ Startup require you work faster than other and complete your task in shorter time]
  • If you can deliver the result [ If you work hard, but no result, is useless in startup]
  • If you can consistently deliver the result [ If you can deliver result first 6 months, but after that punctured, your mental maturity is not there yet]
  • If you personal skill and mentally can growth or outgrowth the company growth [ You need to stronger skill and mindset in order for you to be ready for higher position, else you are just a senior at your current role]

I told my cousin, if you ready for all above, then you going to be shinning star. You will grow very very fast until Manager, Head of Department or even C level. And all these are possible regardless of your age.

What does it means to you?

It is same in our company. We give opportunity to people who want to growth, to have the opportunity to growth to be leader. Regardless of your age.

When you growth, the company will growth. You will be assign more responsibility, more work load, more pressure, higher target.

Some people see this as burden instead of opportunity. They feel the target is unrealistic. They complain, and have many reason or excuse for not able to do complete the task. They are prepaid system believer, they feel they need to be reward before taking up additional role. This are not the leader we want. We are not hesitant to remove them from leadership, regardless of their seniority.

On contrary, those people with positive mindset will see this as opportunity to growth. They love challenging task. They want to see how far they can go. They love to work with great people surrounding them. They feel proud to be part of the team that contribute to the company growth.

So, which type are you? Burden, or Opportunity?

The path to leadership, is a lonely path. When you start to notice that people start not inviting you to lunch, this could be one of the symptom you are on the way to be a better leader. Leadership and loneliness goes hand in hand.


I let you think yourself :)

