Sriya Kundu
6 min readAug 30, 2018

We all have a habit of being the best of the lot. No matter in what category you get nominated, you always want to be the best. Best Child, Best Student, Best Athlete, someone’s Best Friend, Best Man, Best Employee, Best Parent and the list continues. However, the question that remains is that, what is the exact definition of the word BEST. When I ask this question, I don’t seek for an answer that gives me the grammatical definition of the word BEST(I know it is the superlative of GOOD, just in case you doubt my knowledge of Grammar). What I am looking for is a more symbolic sort of an explanation for the term.

Going by the definition of the most reliable source of information available to us nowadays(I can read your thoughts aloud, so yes you are right, I am talking about GOOGLE) , BEST means being of the most excellent or desirable type or quality. A more orthodox source of information, The Oxford Dictionary, describes this one word as an Adjective, Noun, Adverb as well as a Verb. While we already know the meaning of the word as an adjective I would want to acquaint you with the other three meanings as well. BEST as a noun refers to that which is the most excellent, outstanding, or desirable. As an adverb the word means, to the highest degree; most(used with verbs suggesting a desirable action or state or a successful outcome). Last but not the least, as a verb it means to outwit or get the better of (someone). That’s all with the literal meaning of the word from as many dimensions as possible. It is not possible for a layman like you and me to understand what exactly is the difference between each of these interpretations,(I am sorry, I am just being frank and not sugar-coating my words, although you might have a keen interest in the subject and thus understand the intricacies of this language) that is more of a concern for the people who are closely attached with this Language and its various interpretations. What we are more concerned with and the question that still remains unanswered by the definitions provided to us by the best of the interpreters of the world is that what does the word BEST actually mean in our lives, what is its value . This meaning is not just confined to what meets our eyes. It goes beyond.

Even if we begin by considering it from the literal point of view, it refers to the highest of the standards in any field or aspect, which again is an implication of the fact that a particular person can be considered to be the Best only if he or she is flawless. Now the fun fact is that we as humans associate the feature of ‘Flawlessness’ with only one entity — GOD (another controversial topic that I will probably write about later). The word ‘IMPERFECT’ is another synonym for Human Beings, which makes it symmetrically opposite to the word ‘PERFECT’ which in turn is a synonym for the word BEST (again that is not what I say but our very Reliable and Orthodox sources says). So if we put it in the form of an equation we will have:


Thus by no means can we use our old Trial & Balance method from Chemistry, to bring Best and ‘HUMANS’ on one side, that is to equalize them. From here we can jump to two conclusions, accepting either — One, that GOD is a delusional concept (which I know that many atheists will agree to), Or Second, we are under an illusion that BEST means of the highest standards. Though the 7% of the world’s population will agree with my first conclusion, a majority of 93% will go with the second conclusion. If we think about it carefully, it actually makes sense. I am sorry to be shattering your little bubble of being the BEST in whichever field you have been awarded for, but there is no such thing as being THE BEST. It’s indeed a preposterous concept. It is more of a social label that is used, another convention that we try adhering to. I sure would not want to disagree to the fact that some people are indeed gifted or talented in a given field nor will I not want to appreciate them for their achievements so far- be it for academics, extra-curricular activities, some role that they have played exceptionally well or whatever be their field of expertise. What they have achieved is something applaud able and worthy of praise, But calling them THE BEST is nothing but objectifying them at some level. One just cannot deny the fact that at some point of life there will be someone who will turn out to be better than you. And when you finally get that reality check , it gets too late. You lose faith in yourself and the world around you(well you might deny this right now, that’s what Carl Rogers calls the Denial mode that humans perpetually live in, it is okay, happens to everyone, gradually we all come round to the truth, which again goes without saying ,is bitter). There is no way one could be content with being THE BEST. It is not an easy way. Each person has a capacity to which it can work. And there will always be another person who has a greater capacity. The word BEST is not just relative but also time bound. If one thing is BEST now, tomorrow it will transform into being JUST GOOD and the day after, people will know it as something that once probably existed. That is how fast paced this world is. No matter how much you try being the BEST, their always will exist a strata of ‘BETTER’. This is why I have always loved my English teachers, especially the ones who used to be there for the grammar portion(no offense to my other teachers, I equally respect and love all of them). The reason being that they never ever gave a perfect score for essay writing. That was the only realistic part of this whole system of education, for me — it reinstated my belief that there is nothing called a perfect score, there is always a scope for improvement.

Thus, your competition is not to be the BEST amongst the rest. It is to exist and make a mark which will describe your worth. That is the only way we can live in this world. Else we all end up in that endless pit called Depression. To be happy or content, just be the way you are. People often consider being the BEST as a mode of acceptability in a group. Well guys if your group makes that a criteria for being a part of it, I would say you are a better off without them.

Well I am sure you all must be wondering that why I am so allergic to this whole concept of BEST and that I probably belong to that mediocre category that loves justifying its position in the hierarchy giving philosophical lectures about it. To be honest, I too have been a part of the BEST category of people, as they like to call themselves. It is from there that I have had this realization.

Please do not take this write-up as an inspiration to not putting efforts. I am not against efforts. For me that is what matters. Push yourself to the very extreme until you achieve your goal. Just don’t make your goal being the BEST. That is when you limit your capabilities to a single label ,that which is extremely relative. Go beyond that, Dream Big and do something that makes you feel content. And for that start living your life first. Stop running after these labels. They do not define you. Your actions define you. Each moment that you live, each effort that you invest — they define you. YOU ARE NOT THE BEST. You are more than that. YOU ARE YOU.

