Podcast Channel Done! What’s Next?

Avocado Jam Studio (AJS)
AJS Poddies
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2023
Photo by Oladimeji Ajegbile on Unsplash

You finally clicked on that button and now you’ve created your podcast channel! You can click on the link below to get started if you haven't :)

Yay! Podcast channel done time to sit back and relax.


Things only gets exciting from here and I will be sharing the 3 things to get your started.

1) Podcast Channel Title

Everyone has a name uniquely theirs, so as everything else including your podcast channel title. We want to create a title that reflects what kind of content we will be sharing in our upcoming episodes. Remember, we don’t want to overthink things. Start with your business name or a topic you’re passionate about!

You can always edit later on once you’ve found “THE TITLE”.

2) Podcast Channel Description

Now that we have the main headache out of the way, its on to the next headache.

I’m kidding.

This would be easier because all you need is 3 sentences that explains what your channel is all about.

Yup, 3 SENTENCES! (Leave the long form to Medium, heh)

Why? Because your listeners will be scrolling through the many podcast channels out there and you need to grab their attention at first glance!

3) Episode Title & Description

The rule of thumb here is to make sure the title and description are in sync. Try to avoid repetitive words and include your name and your guests (if you have) into the description. This helps to boost your SEO when people are searching for your name or your guests :)

You can also check out the YouTube video below for more in-depth explanation.

Looking to start your podcast or require audio editing services, connect with me on YouTube | Spotify | Instagram for audio related content.

Thank you for reading :)



Avocado Jam Studio (AJS)
AJS Poddies

Music Educator | Soundtrap Certified Educator | Helping content creators enhance their audio projects. zaap.bio/avocadojamstudio