Posting Your First Episode!

Do you get jitters for doing something for the first time?

AJS Poddies
3 min readApr 13, 2023


Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

We all do, so I hear you when you’ve created your Podcast Channel, got your channel description done and even recorded your first episode.

Now to the final step is to publish it and go Live.

Easy peasy, just click on that button.


If you need help with creating your channel and some tips to get your started with your channel title and description. You can watch my YouTube on creating your podcast channel and what to do next :)

Before I share how you can post your first episode, you should totally check out Spotify for Podcasters. There’s more tools you can explore with and the best part is Video Podcasting made possible, however depending on your region.

Disclaimer: Make sure you already have a Spotify for Podcasters account before proceeding.

Create an Episode

You can record your episode within the website itself provided you’ve got your script/pointers ready and a couple of practice rounds prior :)

Remember, there's no rush into getting straight to recording. You have to first build your confidence through practice and pacing yourself.

Upload an Episode

You can also choose to upload a recorded episode or perhaps you’re repurposing your video and turning it into an episode.

Both are entirely possible!

Depends on the direction you’d like to have with your listeners.


Adding Music

This is like putting the cherry on top. If you don’t have that cherry yet can you still give the cake?

I would say, YES!

Remember we’re not looking for perfection when it comes to posting your first episode. Perfection only comes through many rounds of practice and possibly mistakes like stumbling across our words or that nervous giggle you’re trying to hide but that microphone just had to pick it up.

It’s okay honey, you’ll live. LOL

Areas where you can add some music to spice things up are:

  • intro & outro
  • ads segment
  • CTA

We try not to give too much spice because your listeners come to hear you not fancy beats and latest hits. We got the radio or Spotify for that :)

Still want more head down to the YouTube Episode below

Let me know if you’re facing any setbacks in your podcasting journey or need an additional opinion :3

📣 Call to Action

If you are interested in following along with my journey, I invite you to dive into all the details provided below:

Thanks for reading

Key message: [Publishing your first episode is not about perfection. It’s about practice and pacing yourself.]



AJS Poddies

I share about my Medium, Motherhood & Music Journey. For podcasting tips click on the link