Describe your Company Office in just a few words. Can you?

When you’ve been working in one company for more than a few months or even years it’s easy to get used to its culture, philosophy, values and unique style. You’ve become part of this world, of this organism so naturally that you probably don’t even remember how that happened.

Magdalena Szyszka
Akamai Krakow Blog
4 min readNov 27, 2018


Do you remember what impressed you most at the very beginning? What made you feel you’re in the right place? These are my “magic” words.


Imagine your first days at work…

If you’re like me, then you’re probably mostly stressed and overthinking everything. Your clothes — more casual or business ones, maybe I shouldn’t be wearing this or that. Your behavior — what’s to say or maybe say nothing at all?

You’re passing through the introduction, meeting new people, taking a round or two to see the office and finally sitting down whit your new team. Hmnn still feeling stressed? What would you say if that wasn’t the case anymore? Sounds weird and unlikely? Welcome to Akamai.

A welcoming attitude and friendly working environment are totally unbelievable here. You aren’t anonymous. You’re entering a kitchen full of people and rest assured that there will be no prolonged silence — you’ll feel as we knew each other forever.

Being Open means not being afraid but making your voice heard. We want to hear you!

2. FUN

Fun, joy and positive emotions are our office trademark. There are instilled in here. Thinking what this means exactly? It’s as simple as that. We’re working in a flexible, I would say uplifting atmosphere, making the best of our happy moods. Who wouldn’t want to be upbeat in their job and approach every day with a smile on their face?

Achievements are celebrated, appreciated and rewarded. We’re encouraged to enjoy ourselves but also to compete. Any ideas on how to blow off the steam between tasks and bring a ton of team spirit? We have a Game room, ping pong competitions, squash competitions, Endomondo challenges, biking trips, massages, Talent Shows and…the list could almost be endless. Everyone needs escaping now and then? Parties calendar is always around to give something to look forward to.

What makes us happy and give us fun, comes directly from our hearts. This not only refers to our office community but also to other people. We support great charity initiatives and, take part in Business Runs, rais funds for the Noble Box, Orphanages or associations and foundations such as “Rowna Szansa” or “Mam marzenie”.

Without Fun, IT Sucks!


Let’s forget that Diversity sounds only like a catchphrase or a tactic to attract individuals regardless of their gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. I don’t want to bring this back because I’ve already mentioned that we’re open here, all differences and various perspectives are respected and valued.

We recognize Diversity as a true value that goes beyond numbers. This is how we view the world. And this outlook strengthens our company and ourselves.

We have a Diversity group that exposes people to new ideas, encourages acceptance and shows new possibilities to benefit from our differences.

Fancy dancing Swing or baking Italian desserts? Hmnn doesn’t quite feel like Diversity to you? To be honest, it wasn’t my first association either, but then I thought “why not?!”. Diversity Summit held yearly in our office encourages everyone to celebrate diverse passions, cultural backgrounds, origins and identities.

There are endless possibilities to make your company seem like a perfect place to work.


You did a great job and want to share the news? Speak up. You made a big mistake? Speak up.

It sounds weird, doesn’t it? Surprisingly, here it’s something normal.

Our CEO and our leaders are not afraid to admit it if something goes wrong. Instead of hiding the evidence or shifting the blame, they own up to it. If they can do it, why shouldn’t we do the same? You already impressed your manager — that’s why you were hired — so don’t be afraid to ask questions if you are not sure, to speak your mind and to provide and seek constructive feedback.

Being transparent seems like an obvious goal. Less information means less certainty for investors. But it’s not only about improving the company’s performance but also about making our lives easier. When we look at the big picture and, track the numbers week by week, it’s easier to forecast where we are going to be next month or year. We become stakeholders — partners in the business because transparency brings trust.

Open yourself up to more feedback.

