
An alarm fueled by water and emotions for kids.

Akash Chandan
2 min readAug 28, 2017


Context: As a part of my second-semester design project at NID, Bangalore. I worked on a product concept of alarm. Trying to design a magical waking up experience for kids to nurture responsibility and love towards nature.

An alarm in the form of a product or an app is the first interaction to the technology of the day in our lives.

A product like an alarm beholds the responsibility of refinding human behavior on a daily basis at a global scale.

An alarm has become a mere machine which makes sounds at a specific time, In reality, the waking up experience igniting emotions such as…

Here’s what people expressing their experience as memes on the internet,

Based on the behaviour model for persuasive design by Dr. B.J Fogg,

I believe it’s time to design meaningful & magical experiences for our next generation to wake up to,

Jalarm tries to achieve 4 major design directions,

The functionality of the product:

Working of Jalarm

Jalarm is envisioned to create a lifetime of behavior change in kids. Aiming to nurture emotions like compassion, responsibility, and love towards nature and more…




Akash Chandan

Digital Experience Researcher & Designer. Churning information into knowledge. More > www.akashchandan.com