
Logo Design & Visual Thinking Process

Akash Chandan


A logo, designed for simplicity.

The Form of the logo is inspired by yoga-asana called Veerabhadrasana(Warrior Pose).

Also exploring the visual and literal dimensions of S & G of SoulGuru.

Client :

Soulguru is an organization, which beliefs in the healing powers of Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Yoga, and Meditation.

They help people to connect with the most credible alternative healing practitioners and centers best suited for one’s condition. Their goal is to help people to nurture health by taking timely preventive actions, cure diseases and experience authentic alternative healing practices.

The process of Visual Thinking :

As I was exploring the letters S & G, it formed a figure of a person. Then it connected the dots to Virabhadrasana — The warrior Pose.

Initial Sketches
The process of Visual Thinking


This project made me realize, Every logo designer has a unique way of looking in the world for ideas.

When you think visually, best ideas unravel in plain sight!

Here’s a case study of a logo I designed for Election Commission of India.



Akash Chandan

Digital Experience Researcher & Designer. Churning information into knowledge. More >