Voice.net 2016

Winner : Logo for Election Commission of India

Akash Chandan


Election Commission of India(ECI) is working on an initiative to create a global network and digital knowledge sharing platform on a goal towards educating voters all around the globe.

A logo design competition was held by ECI for Students of National Institute of Design(NID).

My submission was shortlisted as winning entry of the competition.

It’s live on the current site, have a look.


Voter Information, Communication & Education Network

Design Brief :

Image to be projected through logo :

  • Knowledge Portal
  • Sharing and Growing
  • Collaboration for Voter Education

Audience :

International Election Management Bodies, experts scholars, CSO(Central Statistics Organisations), voters.

Message to be communicated :

A vibrant network for collaboration on ideas and resources on voter education

Considerations :

The logo should be a combination of the logotype and visual abstraction and it has to appear in English.


Initial Sketches of the Logo

Initial Explorations

Shortlisted logo for further explorations.

Typeface Explorations

Color Explorations

Final Logo



Akash Chandan

Digital Experience Researcher & Designer. Churning information into knowledge. More > www.akashchandan.com