Designing the developer experience (DX) in a B2B company, by a former developer (part 1)

Anais Bauné Lemaire
Akeneo Labs
Published in
4 min readSep 28, 2023
Sculpting a “Gothic cabbage leaf”, from sketch to final result. — April 2016
Sculpting a “Gothic cabbage leaf”, from sketch to final result. — April 2016

In today’s ever-changing world, career paths are no longer limited by the traditional career boundaries our parents and elders may have known. My own journey is a living example of this, bearing witness to the transformation from passionate stone cutter to digital solutions designer. Through this dive into my professional journey, I invite you to discover the metamorphosis that took me from heritage restoration to web development, and finally to embrace product design: an achievement that was, for me, to mark with a white stone…

From stones to code…

My atypical career began as a stone cutter/sculptress, where, for 7 years, I shaped Tuffeau and other Sireuil stones to restore historical monuments damaged by time. After 6 years, I took a “Sculpture Ornementale” course lasting several months. My ambition was to specialize in sculpture restoration, as stone-cutting had unfortunately become too physical for me. However, I had to resign myself to the fact that, in France, very few if any companies hire sculptors. As a young mother, I didn’t have the energy to set up my own business, so during my second maternity leave, I decided to reorient myself professionally. My insatiable desire to understand the workings of modern technology (and a developer husband with a knack for passing on the passion of his profession) led me to an unexpected turn toward the field of IT development. After intense training, and with my diploma in hand, it was in November 2019 that I landed my first job as a developer with Akeneo, a company that creates software dedicated to “The Product Experience”. There, I discovered the complex world of code, exploring the nuances of computer languages and solving abstract problems to shape functional software.

This first step enabled me to acquire solid skills, including an in-depth knowledge of technologies such as CSS, JavaScript and PHP, problem-solving skills, and a real ability to collaborate and communicate effectively within a team working on a common project.

… to design

However, long before I turned to web development, the idea of becoming a designer had already crossed my mind. I was fascinated by the visual dimension and the empathetic aspect of this profession. In the end, my attraction to design took over and led me to pursue my professional transformation.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

In June 2022, after investing some personal time in honing my design skills, I transitioned to the role of Product Designer at the same company. The first design mission I was entrusted with was an obvious one: the Developer Experience (DX). The experience I gained as a developer gave me much more than just technical mastery. It gave me the opportunity to cultivate a unique perspective, a deep empathy with end-users, and a keen understanding of the challenges and opportunities in creating digital solutions for developers. By slipping into the shoes of a former developer, I’m able to anticipate users’ needs and translate their aspirations into functional and aesthetic designs. This dual skill set gives me a singular value as a designer, allowing me to seamlessly merge technical and creative worlds to design comprehensive and engaging user experiences.

From an early age, I’ve been captivated by art, aesthetics, and creation, while feeling a deep desire to help others through my natural empathy. Stone cutting and web development were the first steps in nurturing my initial passion. However, it wasn’t until I discovered the field of product design that I finally found total fulfillment in my work.

I wanted to write this article […] to inspire you to “get out of your comfort zone” if you feel you belong somewhere else.

In short, my conversion journey is one that transcends conventional professional boundaries. From stone cutter to developer to designer, each step has contributed to my personal and professional growth, adding a unique layer of understanding and creativity to my practice.

I wanted to write this article to arouse your curiosity and to inspire you to “get out of your comfort zone” if you feel you belong somewhere else. I also want to share with you some of the design experiences and challenges I’ve faced over the past year.

In my next article, I’d like to invite you to meet Sarah, our app developer persona. Together, we’ll explore how, in a B2B context, the optimization of Akeneo’s API documentation becomes an asset for our partners (more precisely, for their “Sarah”), guiding them in the creation of apps. I’ll also be revealing the stimulating challenges and benefits I’m discovering from working with developers, as a former developer. An exciting and constructive adventure awaits you, where technology unites with innovation for an optimized user experience.

