Introducing the PHP API client in Beta

Nolwenn Poirier
Akeneo Labs
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2017

A few months ago, with the release of the 1.7 version, we introduced our official REST API, along with a fully dedicated website holding its whole documentation.

This was the very first step in our strategy to improve your Developer eXperience, when it comes to developing amazing new tools and connectors around our favorite PIM.

We’ve been watching you!

From the moment we released the API, we have been watching you closely, community. 😉 We wanted to know how fast you would adopt the API. And the result was quite surprising. Many of you experimented and tried new things thanks to the API. As of today, we are very proud to count among our extensions, connectors that have been entirely build from the API.

But what was even crazier is that very quickly, some of you were already developing API clients. We loved it!

A PHP API client

As it is our job to make your developer’s life always easier, we thought we also had a role to play in this game. And what’s better than an API client to help you make your first steps in the API world?

So, we are very proud to announce that our first API client is now available as a Beta. 🎉

It is written in PHP and of course, it is open source — we don’t change a winning team. It contains all the endpoints already available in the API released in 1.7.

This client is fully tested, documented and it will be fully supported by our great support team once the final version is released.

It’s time for you to experiment

In the meantime, feel free to test it, experiment and do not forget to give us some feedback!

If you ever find a bug, do not hesitate to directly open a Github issue on the API client repository. If you just want to discuss about it, join us in the #web-api channel in our Slack user group community.

Developers, we want to improve your life

We build this client with one priority in mind: improve your Developer eXperience. Therefore, authentication, pagination and search processes are easier to use. See it in action in the example below.

A search query on products directly with the REST API:

The same search query on products with the PHP API client:

You end up with a much cleaner code, increasing the maintainability of your Akeneo connectors. It’s a win-win!


…whatever the language you use in your daily developer’s life!

By providing this PHP client, we focused our effort on the PHP community, which is the biggest among our Akeneo developers.

But we have not forgotten about the others, the non-PHP ones. If you are one of them, stay tuned! More will be coming soon.



Nolwenn Poirier
Akeneo Labs

Product Owner @Akeneo, enhancing the DX for our Akeneo community